The Fight of the Demon Lord (Demon Lord's Life)

The Fight of the Demon Lord (Demon Lord's Life) by Red Angel

Book: The Fight of the Demon Lord (Demon Lord's Life) by Red Angel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Red Angel
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Look you are important to me and that makes you a target for others not to mention the Shartan. If they come I will need help to protect you if I am not at your side speaking of which I want you to begin combat training with Dream. She will help you quite a bit. Now girls see her home, will you, I will see you tomorrow Azure we will head to Demonica and the capital Darmiea. We will spend some time there then go to the wise woman. It will be my first time home so we must be on our best behavior and bring Fara with you please it will be a good will mission for her to see my home.”
    “ Yes but before I go I wanted to tell you Drake I have heard that your ships have left so thank you.” She walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek, “so I will see you soon honey,” she followed Dream into the portal home.
    Chapter 4
    “We are going where Azure? I can’t go to Demonica and neither can you that is out of the question.”
    “ Yea Dream mentioned that you might not go for it so I am kidnapping you Fara.”
    “ Well that would explain why you have me tied up, but still you have no ship Azure and your friends will be captured when they leave your room.”
    “ No they won’t Fara we have an alliance, that would be an act of war and you know it. Now please stand up we are going Savarea did you pack my crap.”
    “ Yes it has all been sent ahead as you requested and we left a note like you said now come Drake is waiting on the other side.”
    “Wait the other side of what Azure,” Fara asked as she walked forward and the room changed into another one.
    “ So you have arrived I see well the portal is set up to my rooms in the imperial palace so step on through they might surprise you.”
    We all entered the portal closing it behind me on the other side I saw my room. We were in the portal reception room of my palace, it was a large circled room with a giant glass sky dome I saw the two suns in the sky overhead one blue the other fiery red like Azures hair. The room is the portal hub of the entire palace. There was a bigger one for soldiers and such down in the city. The palace itself is carved into a giant crystal that was flooded red by the sun so most everything is red in color at least the walls they glowed an eerie color of red, it lit up the entire palace inside and out.
    “ I am told you can see the palace for a thousand miles in every direction.”
    “ Azure I will have to show you a spot I used to go to when I dreamed I was here but I probably have not told you about all of that yet.” We went to my rooms led by a guide as I told Azure all I could recall of this place we untied Fara when Samual joined our party.
    “ So nice to see you again Samual.” Fara said rubbing her sore wrists.
    “ Yes it is good that you came Fara. Now this way sire to your rooms.”
    We walked along the hallways. The floors had streams of water running underneath them in certain areas to make them glow and change colors with the help of the waters properties. I soon saw that this effect made a real light show in the halls. The halls themselves where carved into various screens depicting the history of the Demon Empire it seemed they had done a lot in fifteen years. I began to recall some of the events as I saw them carved forever into the walls. It seemed I started leading when I was five before that Samual led for me till I was able to fend for myself. As we went deeper I saw myself grow in age until I saw the image that made me stop it was the treaty signing that had taken place only a few days ago.
    “How was this made so fast Samual?”
    “ Have you not remembered that the castle is a living shell that houses your life sire what you do it shows within reason of course?”
    Azure stood looking at herself next to Drake and Samual. “This palace is alive in a way that is what you are saying.”
    “ Azure I am surprised you do not know that everything is alive in a way from a rock on the ground to the sun in the sky and back

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