The First Confessor
you were on your way back to your D’Haran Lands. I want you and your little army gone first thing in the morning. Do you understand me?”
    A sly smile overcame the man at the point of her knife as he signaled the two men near the doors to stand down. Magda was surprised by his smile, but her anger kept her focused, and kept her knife where it was.
    “What’s this? A nobody, a woman not born noble, a woman with short hair, a woman of no standing, who has the nerve to tell me, the Lord Rahl, what I will and will not do? What gives you the right to speak this way to the leader of D’Hara, a man who commands the army outside your room, and guards inside it? How dare you think that you can speak to me in such a manner? Where do you, a woman of no status, a nobody, get the gall to think you have such a right?”
    “Such a right?” Magda raged in fury.
    But then she saw the twinkle in his eye and realized what he was doing. Her fury faltered. She suddenly felt foolish. She couldn’t keep a shamed smile from overcoming her.
    Magda bowed her head in a gesture of exaggerated respect.
    “It would seem that the Lord Rahl is not so stupid as some on the council say.”
    His grin widened. “Magda, I knew Baraccus long before you met him. I’ve fought beside the man. I knew his character. He would never be attracted to a weak woman. He never cared about the length of your hair or standing when he met you, did he?”
    Magda shook her head, remembering the first time she met him. He didn’t even look at her hair. He looked into her eyes and asked her name.
    “He cared about your character. He cared who you were. Baraccus was a man of power. He was only attracted to strength and temperament that could complement his. He could have had any woman he wanted—I know because many sought him out and he always turned them away. Yet he chose you. He chose you not because you were weak and common, but because you were rare, and his equal in every way that mattered.”
    She smiled again, but this time in appreciation. “Thank you for the kindest words about my husband—and me—that I have ever heard.”
    “They are true words, Magda. He chose you because you were worthy of him. He was lucky to have you. I’ll not have you selling my friend’s wife short.”
    Her smile turned downhearted. “I don’t think I could begin to tell you how much I miss him, how lost I am without him.”
    “I understand. Now, let’s put this nonsense aside; we have urgent matters that must be addressed. With Baraccus gone, you are the only one I can turn to for answers. This is a time for courage and honesty if we are to have a chance.”
    Magda finally lifted her chin. “What can I do to help you, Lord Rahl?”

Chapter 10
    “You must speak to the council and let them know of the threat, make them understand how serious it is,” Alric Rahl told her. “With Baraccus dead, it’s up to us, and we’re running out of time.”
    “What threat?”
    A bit surprised, he cast her a suspicious look from under a lowered brow. “Surely, Baraccus must have told you about the dream walkers.”
    Magda stilled. She wanted to help the man, but she didn’t like the idea of talking about anything Baraccus had told her in confidence. The two of them had always had an understanding that, because of his position, the things he discussed with her were meant to remain strictly confidential. She never spoke about such matters without her husband explicitly telling her that it was all right.
    She remembered, then, the note in her pocket, the note Baraccus had left for her up on the battlement. Those were his last words to her.
    Your destiny is to find truth. It will be difficult, but have the courage to take up that calling.
    It seemed clear that Baraccus meant for her to act. His note didn’t ask her to keep silent, or to stay out of things. He said that she must have the courage to act.
    Magda realized that with Baraccus gone she needed to trust someone. While

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