The Gemini Divergence
that he was blown away at
the spiel at the meeting, but this was even harder to palette. All
of this was just getting to hard to believe. It sounded like
something out of a pulp fiction novel; space travel, space
stations, atomic bombs, Antarctica, where would it end.
    Still Schwerig listened, and Toelke went on,
“At first we didn’t know how we would be able to funnel enough
manpower to operate these new vehicles, but then the Führer had an
ingenious idea. He proposed that since the U-boat crews were
already receiving alarming casualties that no one would notice us
diverting submariner crews to New Swabia to man these new craft,
and they would already be accustomed to functioning under the
conditions of being confined in a mechanical tin can… So far very
few have noticed, but I hear that they are being dealt with as part
of the grander plan that you and I have been assisting in these
past days… Didn’t you wonder what all of those parts you were
loading onto the train during the Ruhr purge bolted on to?”
    “I did not see the part about questioning my
own orders, in my orders Herr Toelke,” Schwerig sarcastically
whipped. He was extremely thankful for all of the information
Toelke was giving him, but he could no believe an operative with
any skill would be giving up this much information, unless,
Schwerig may have a need for this information soon. Otherwise
Toelke must not be a very bright operative.
    Toelke went on, “The Schriewer, Schauburger
and Gocke craft will have the eventual capability to venture into
outer space. If we can keep the Allies focused on rockets for their
entry into space, it will give us years of a head start learning
how to live and defend ourselves in space.”
    “It is imperative that we get to New Swabia
and start the engineering programs that will eventually lead us to
leaving the earth behind.”
    Schwerig asked, “Why Antarctica? Why do we
have to go there?”
    “I am not to keen about going there myself,”
answered Toelke, “but the higher ranks want a place that they will
be sure that we can operate in private, and keep the Allies totally
in the dark about what we are doing until it will be to late.”
    “But what of these plans you said that you
found at Von Braun’s office?” queried Schwerig.
    “I managed to sneak out facsimiles of all of
them to present when I arrive at New Swabia, They will be waiting
for me in a package that I have had sent to be waiting for me in
Riese, along with a change of uniform, as this one seams to be
missing some decorations.”
    Toelke then leaned back to sleep. Schwerig
thought that this was an awful lot to digest, but it was a long
drive to Riese.
    When they finally arrived at the Riese
proving grounds gate, Sergeant Stark pulled up to the yard arm and
a guard came to the window. After the guard was able to confirm
their identities and check them from a list, he allowed them to
continue onto the Riese experimental test area.
    Schwerig softly inquired of Toelke, “Where
exactly are we going now that we are here?”
    Toelke answered, “Building 125.”
    Schwerig, in a much louder voice ordered
Stark to proceed on to building 125.
    When they arrived, Schwerig could see that it
was a semi abandoned building that must not be used much. The front
entrance was on the same level as the road, but the rest of the
building hung out over a steep bank. There was a concrete balcony
on the back of the building that had no railings.
    Stark opened the car door for Schwerig, who
then got out and turned his gun around to order Toelke out of the
    Schwerig and Stark both directed their
firearms towards Toelke as they marched him into the building.
    There was no front door and most of the
building was vacant, yet there was some graffiti on the walls, and
most of the windows were broken out.
    Schwerig noticed Toelke, standing with his
hands in the air, glance at a locked closet door. He made mental
note of it then ordered, “Feldwebel Stark, take the

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