The Hitman's Last Job

The Hitman's Last Job by Max Freedom

Book: The Hitman's Last Job by Max Freedom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Max Freedom
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harder?” she cried and Carl couldn’t stop himself
from obliging.
He thrust hard
and fast and felt as though another orgasm was fast approaching but
this time he was in control and he didn’t feel much like playing
games. He thrust a little faster and then a faster again until the
headboard started to bang furiously on the wall as Anna’s screams
grew louder. Then he ejaculated once more so hard and so quickly
that his balls ached as he pulled out of her. He looked down to her
as he sat up and watched the sweat run down the space between her
enormous breasts. He had never seen anyone so sexy and beautiful
and he thought he would never be able to look away.
Anna was still
gasping for breath and lay for a moment with her eyes closed
feeling both exhausted but satisfied. She had never felt so present
in her emotions as though her thoughts had left her body. It took
several minutes until she felt like she’d floated back into her
body and she opened her eyes.
    “ Hmmmm…..” she mumbled dreamily. “Won’t you hold
    “ Of course sweetheart,” Carl whispered as he lay beside
They curled up
close beneath the sheets and fell quickly into a deep sleep. When
Carl eventually woke up it was pitch black outside.

Angelo sat
angrily in his favorite restaurant waiting impatiently for his food
to arrive. He sipped sloppily from a Martini glass and crossed his
arms in a temper.
    “ God damn waiters in here take forever!” and he snapped his
fingers at a nearby member of staff who looked as though she might
faint from fright at the sight of him. “Hey! HEY! Order over here,
sometime today kid,” he pointed at the table.
    “ I’ll see what I can do,” the waitress dropped what she was
doing and scurried off into the kitchen with a beet red
    “ Fuckin’ teenagers,” Angelo grumbled. “Anyhow, everyone’s here
He looked
around the table and saw his most beloved henchmen around him. They
all nodded respectfully.
    “ Good…Well I’m sure you all know why I’ve brought you here
Again they all
    “ It seems as though we have a real problem. One I’m quite
frankly surprised to have,” he shook his head in
    “ I have to say, I’m as shocked as you are,” Jerry leaned in.
“That Carl was a good kid. Knew him for years I did…. And Lucas was
like a brother to me,”
    “ Yuh…it’s always the quiet ones you have to look out for,”
explained Angelo solemnly. “So what’s the plan? What do we know
about him?”
    “ Well he’s an ex-Navy man,” one of the young ones said from the
bottom of the table while flicking through his phone. “And pretty
much a loner. Only 4 friends on Facebook, no Tumblr account, not
even an Instagram. Has a Twitter but hasn’t posted anything in
nearly six months and that was just a retweet,”
    “ I literally have no idea what you just said kid,” Angelo
laughed. “Again in English?”
    “ What I mean to say is that this Carl guy has no online
presence, and no social life that we know about. So unless he has
some sort of underground, super-secret life then he kinda flies
under the radar don’t he?”
    “ Hmmm…..” Jerry was deep in thought. “What about those Facebook
friends? Anyone we know?”
    “ Hang on let me check,” the young man flicked through his phone
furiously before finding the details. “Ah! Got’em. Well three of
the guys are Navy too but are still in service so we can’t get
close to them. But the last guy….it looks like his old
    “ Ah! So we have a start,” smiled the Don as he leant forward,
and placed his fingers together in thought.
The waiter
interrupted with a plate of food and Angelo looked irritated but
then was quickly pleased when he saw the pile of fries.
    “ So…internet kid,” he spoke with a mouth full of food. “You get
me the father’s address and you,” he pointed to a small and silent
man with sinister eyes and a nervous twitch. “Jorge,

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