The Gilded Fan (Choc Lit)
tiny frog croaked forlornly from under the shelter of a huge leaf. Midori sank down on to a rock nearby, breathing in the air that was moist with a tang of greenery. She stared at the tranquil scene, trying to come to terms with the unknown future she now faced.
    It’s odd how life can go on for years in the same old routines, then suddenly something happens to turn it upside down.
    She had been so sure the biggest challenge she’d ever encounter would be marriage. But the older she got, finding a suitor became less likely with each day, and she had accepted her fate and settled into a peaceful existence where nothing much happened. Of course, she’d had to cope with the loss of her parents, but that was something everyone went through at some stage. Hard though it had been, it was nothing compared to what she now had to endure.
    She took a deep breath.
Perhaps it won’t be so bad?
After all, her mother had done much the same thing, all those years ago, hadn’t she? Hannah had left her friends and family in England, never to return, and she’d been blissfully happy. Not once had she ever said she regretted her decision to stay. There was no reason why Midori shouldn’t find joy in a strange country, as well.
Whatever happens, it must be better than staying in a place where I’m not wanted?
    Midori clenched her fists and silently cursed the
    ‘I wish he hadn’t taken against foreigners,’ she whispered. ‘If only he would let me defend myself so I could convince him I’m not a Christian.’
    And if only the
had kept their religion to themselves …
    She sat by the little pond in the garden behind the inn for what seemed like ages. Completely lost in thought, she didn’t realise she wasn’t alone any longer until she was suddenly grabbed from behind.
    ‘Got her!’
    The harsh voice sounded triumphant and Midori twisted frantically to see who her captor was, her heart pounding with shock. To her consternation, there were several men crowding into the small, enclosed space, all dressed in identical clothing, which looked alarmingly official. A lightning streak of fear shot through her and she tried to struggle, but it was futile as she was completely outnumbered and there was no chance of escape.
    ‘You’re to come with us,
. The authorities have issued a warrant for your arrest.’
    ‘I’m not a
, I’m the daughter of a
,’ she said, trying to sound confident and haughty. ‘Release me, or it will be the worse for you.’
    Her words were greeted with laughter and derision, and no one paid her the slightest heed. Instead, her hands were quickly tied behind her with a tight knot and she was hauled away through the inn. Just before they passed the front door of the
and out into the city, she caught a glimpse of Satoshi, Ichiro’s servant, hiding in a dark corner of the hallway. He seemed to be cowering in terror, but there was a strange look in his eyes which had Midori puzzled. There was no time to dwell on it, however, and knowing he’d seen her lessened some of her fear. Ichiro would be told what had happened, then he’d help her somehow. The thought gave her courage and she shrugged off the tight grip of her guard to walk unaided with her head held high.
    ‘Lead on,’ she commanded.
    Some of the courage left her when she arrived at her destination, however. Her bonds were removed and she was shoved into a small room, filled to overflowing with pitiful individuals. They stank something dreadful, and she gagged as she landed on the floor with a thump. Gnarled hands reached out – some to help her up, some just fingering the fine silk of her clothing – but she shrank from them all and shot to her feet in record time. The hands continued to paw at her and she batted away a few, shrugging off others, looking around for some corner to shrink into.
    ‘Have you any food? Give us something?’ a voice pleaded, but Midori just shook her head, feeling too

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