The Glacier Gallows
of the breeze. And I spent most of my time looking east.”
    â€œBut you would have noticed if Mr. Marriott had been up wandering around, getting coffee and what have you?”
    â€œI might have. But I was absorbed.”
    â€œWhen you came back to camp, how long did it take for you to realize that Mr. Marriott was missing?”
    â€œI don’t know. Not long. Ten, fifteen minutes. I just assumed that he was sleeping in.”
    â€œIt didn’t occur to you that maybe he had gone off to do the same thing you were doing?”
    â€œWe did have a quick look around before organizing a more thorough search.”
    â€œTell me about Mr. Marriott.”
    Cole hesitated. “He was a city guy. He liked this . Doing this hike was his idea. But he was uncomfortable out here too. He told me a couple of mornings ago that sleeping on the ground wasn’t very conducive to a good night’s rest. I think he was looking forward to getting to Waterton tonight and being in a bed.”
    â€œWho do you think killed Mr. Marriott?” McCallum continued.
    â€œI have no ungodly idea.”
    â€œNone? Surely you must have your suspicions.”
    â€œI don’t, really. Most of these people had no real relationship with Brian before this trip. I can’t imagine what anybody’s motive might have been.” Cole recapped what he had told Reimer about Brian’s relationship with Rick Turcotte.
    â€œDid anything happen on the hike that would have led to hard feelings?”
    â€œNot really. I mean, we’re not all of the same stripe. Rick and Brian got into a few good-natured arguments over the last few days, but nothing that would make a man want to kill another. Maybe there was some bad blood between them before and Turcotte was just biding his time, but I don’t think so. Are you sure he was murdered? It just seems too improbable.”
    â€œWe’re reasonably sure. The medical examiner is with the body now. She’s flown in from Calgary, and we gave her a lift up. She will make the final determination and provide us with a time of death and other pertinent information. What about the guides? Did Brian have words with any of them?”
    â€œNo, not at all. He mostly dealt with Derek, the lead guide. Tad wasn’t talkative but was completely congenial. And the third man, the one gone walkabout, was pretty quiet. He was nice enough, helped with the tents and was competent in the mountains, but I don’t know if he and Brian said ten words to each other the whole time.”
    â€œSo with the exceptions of Mr. Firstlight and Mr. Turcotte, there was no one else on this trip who had a prior relationship with Mr. Marriott?”
    â€œThat’s right.”
    â€œDid Brian say anything to you during this expedition? Anything that would lead you to believe he was in danger?”
    Cole thought a moment. McCallum and the other agent watched him. “Before we started the hike, he said that he was into something, something big, but he didn’t say what. He told me that we’d talk about it after the hike was done.”
    â€œWas this work related?”
    â€œYes. It wasn’t like he was into a drug deal or anything, but he wouldn’t tell me anything more and I didn’t push him.”
    â€œWe’ll get to Mr. Marriott’s work in a minute.” McCallum checked his notes. “With the exception of Mr. Turcotte, nobody had harsh words with Mr. Marriott while camping here in Glacier?” Cole shook his head. “That brings us to you, Mr. Blackwater. You obviously knew Mr. Marriott, didn’t you?”
    â€œI did.”
    â€œIsn’t it also correct that you and Mr. Marriott haven’t been getting along very well on this trip?”
    â€œAs well as we usually get along,” Cole said and immediately regretted it.
    â€œMr. Blackwater, it seems to me that you are the only person on this mountain who had an antagonistic

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