The Gladiator

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Book: The Gladiator by Simon Scarrow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simon Scarrow
Tags: adventure, Historical, Military
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    He fell silent and his shoulders slumped. Macro leaned towards Cato and Sempronius as he muttered, ‘Now that is not what I would call a safe pair of hands. ‘
    ‘You’re right, ‘ Sempronius replied. ‘We have to do something. Right now. ‘

    Senator Sempronius cleared his throat and took a step towards the prefect’s desk. ‘Centurion Portillus!’ The officer turned quickly at the tone of command in the senator’s voice. ‘Centurion Portillus, I am assuming the authority of the governor for the present emergency. I will also take command of all military and naval forces present in Crete, starting with this cohort. Do you understand?’
    Portillus looked shocked, as did the others in the room. After a moment he swallowed and clasped his hands. ‘But sir, the governor has appointed me, as you just heard. ‘
    ‘The governor was acting on the basis that you were the senior surviving official. He could hot have known that I, or these other officers, were present on the island. Since they are legionary centurions they outrank you, and as a senator I carry the authority of the senate with my rank. I would be the most suitable replacement for Governor Hirtius and I intend to take command. Is that clear?’
    Portillus nodded and then bit his lip. ‘Do you have a problem with my decision?’ ‘Well, yes, sir. There’s the question of protocol. ‘ ‘Protocol?’ Macro grumbled. ‘What are you talking about?’ ‘Strictly speaking, the senator needs the permission of the emperor to enter a province, ‘ Portillus continued nervously. ‘What?’ Macro raised his voice. ‘What the hell are you talking about? Our bloody ship is leaking like a sieve. Where else could we go? Or do you think we should have nipped back to Rome first to get the emperor’s nod that it’s all right for us to set foot on this bloody island?’ ‘That’s the regulations, sir. ‘
    ‘Bollocks!’ Macro spat back. ‘Bollocks to regulations, you fool. ‘
    Sempronius intervened. ‘Centurion Portillus is right to raise the issue However, given the circumstances – the extraordinary circum- stances – I think the normal rules have to be ignored. Besides, ‘ he turned back to Portillus, ‘I am sure that you would be content to pass the responsibility for the cohort on to a more senior official. Is that not so?’
    Portillus bowed his head. ‘Of course, sir. As you wish. ‘ He glanced towards the messenger still standing near the door, and then continued in a very deliberate tone. ‘Naturally, I will want it on record that you insist on taking command, and that you assume full responsibility for your actions, sir. ‘
    ‘As you wish, you’ll have that in writing, ‘ Sempronius replied, struggling to keep the contempt from his voice. ‘So then, I am now in charge. Agreed?’
    ‘Yes, sir. ‘
    ‘Then the first priority is to restore order here in Matala and help the survivors. ‘ The senator looked towards Cato and Macro and thought for a moment before he made a decision. ‘Centurion Macro, you are to assume control here in Matala. I authorise you to do what- ever is necessary to help the local people. You are to commandeer any remaining food stocks and existing shelter. Priority is to be given to rescuing those still trapped in the rubble and the injured.There is to be no looting, such as we saw on the way here. Use whatever force is necessary to prevent such lawlessness. Is that understood?’
    ‘Yes, sir. ‘
    ‘Good. N o w then, Centurion Cato, you and I must head for Gortyna at once. We have to see what’s left of the province’s administration.That’s where we need to be in order to regain control of Crete and deal with this chaos. ‘
    Cato nodded. ‘Yes, sir. What about the ship, and those still on board?’
    Sempronius smiled. ‘Julia is safe where she is for now. ‘ ‘But she would be safer if she was brought here, sir. ‘ ‘Of course. Centurion Macro will take care of it. ‘ Macro patted

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