The Good Girl
“We can get a good night’s sleep and you can call me in the morning. I’ll drive you to your motorcycle.”

    Silently, he lifted me into his arms, surprising me. Once he had me secured against his chest, he said, “Think of this as a complete immersion program.” He took a few steps until he had me held over the bed. “If you wanted to learn a French quickly, you would simply use an immersion program, move to France. We have ten days to teach you and prepare you for this job. You’re staying with me, you’re moving in with me.” He dropped me on the mattress, and then hopped into bed and wrapped himself around me.
    A giggle escaped my lips just before he started devouring me with kisses once more. The man had a point. He was sex incarnate.

This morning was so much different than the previous morning. As the sun streamed through the curtains, I found that I was alone in the bed. It...was incredibly unexpected and a bit unsettling. Sitting up on my elbows, I looked around after tucking the sheet around me. Yeah, we slept naked again. Would you believe I was disappointed that we just slept?
    “Morning!” Wyatt was sitting at the island, papers and a calendar spread out before him. “I thought you were going to sleep all day.”
    “What time is it?” I asked, still feeling groggy from the wine.

    He glanced at the time on his cell phone. “It’s 7:30am.”

    Without thinking, I sat straight up and the sheet fell. He looked at me and smiled widely before I realized my mistake. I squealed and pulled up the sheet again. “Is that late?” I asked while blushing fiercely.

    He stopped what he was doing and walked over to me, never taking his eyes off me. “No, but I’ve been awake for over an hour.” Standing before me, he sat slowly on the bed, as if he didn’t want to frighten me. “You should never be ashamed of that body, doll,” he said shaking his head. “Before this is through, we’ll be in a place where you don’t think to cover up at all. I’m going to build you up so high that no one can ever break you down.” With that, he took my left hand and held it up to his lips to graze my knuckles with a kiss. He repeated that action with the right.

    Somehow in the course of that amazingly seductive act, I never realized that the sheet was down to my waist. By then, he had stood up, still holding my hands, and helped me from the bed until I was standing before him in all my naked glory. His eyes were smoldering as they gazed upon me. Though I wanted to squirm, I was determined to hold my head up.
    After pulling me close, he murmured in my ear, “You are absolutely stunning.” With a kiss on my neck, he turned me toward the bathroom and gave me a gentle shove in that direction. “Go on. We’ve got a big day ahead of us,” he said. Then with a pat on my buttocks, he sent me on my way.

    Without a thought in my head, I walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind me then leaned on it. How did he do that, make me completely breathless, make me excited so easily? Ten days. Starting today. It was going to be amazing, life altering, and quite possibly the scariest experience of my life. Dammit. I hadn’t thought this through at all.

    By the time I was done showering and had dressed in the same clothes I wore the night before, Wyatt seemed to have formulated a plan. “Are you going to let me in on this?” I asked.
    “Some of it,” he said carefully. “First, we’ll stop by your apartment to get your things for the next ten days.”
    “But I have exams next week,” I objected. “I have studying to do and…”

    “And so do I.” He smiled at me. “Believe it or not, I have taken all that into account. I know we both have responsibilities. We’re about to graduate.” He hugged me close. “This is your last shot at the college experience.” He winked at me.
    Heaving a sigh of relief, I said, “Okay, well, I’m glad we have that established.” I straightened under his scrutiny.

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