Maddy's Oasis
colleague despite their two years working side by side. Jake
chalked it up to the typical eastern narcissism but couldn't help
being disappointed not to learn more about her.
    She annoyed the hell out of him and anyone
else around her; she was too persistent, demanding, and full of
complete ignorance that bred overambitious expectations of what he
could accomplish. She was a micromanager, an ignorant one at
    After yesterday, he'd been ready to write her
off entirely, until Eric let something drop while drunk. Something
about a sick family member who needed surgery. Jake wanted to
dismiss it as no excuse for her actions, but he recalled just how
much harder he'd worked when his sister Kitty was injured in a car
accident several years ago. Javier had the money, but Jake drove
himself near crazy working sixteen-hour days and spending the
nights in the hospital.
    Then there was Javier, who not only liked the
fearless woman, but who still laughed long and hard describing the
look on Smithson’s face when she fired him.
    The girl had a spine and discipline, which he
could admire. The edge of urgency that punctuated her every
movement and sentence would take a bottle of tequila to counter.
With a few stiff drinks in her and the permanent removal of the
BlackBerry, she might just be tolerable.
    He watched as Eric reached the office,
steadied himself against the stairs, then knocked.

    "Maddy!" Eric's voice and the sound of
growling awoke her. Her eyes opened, and she jerked, surprised to
see the muzzle of the massive black dog near her face. She pushed
herself up.
    “Okay, nice dog,” she murmured.
    The dog ceased growling and whined. It sat
before her, taking up much of the space between the small area
between the two couches. She felt rested for the first time in two
weeks despite the crick in her neck. She swung her legs off the
couch, her eyes straying to her watch.
    Eleven-thirty. She bolted to her feet and
darted to the desk, where her BlackBerry sat. The dog growled again
at her, and she eyed it, circling the desk.
    “Maddy?” Eric called through the door.
    “I’m up!”
    “Whose dog is that?” he asked, cracking the
    The dog rose and paced forward. His snarls
were far from friendly. Eric ducked out. She dialed Jake’s phone,
which he answered after four rings, as she expected.
    “Yeah!” he shouted, sounding out of
    “Jake, can you retrieve your dog?” she asked.
“He won’t stop growling and won’t let Eric in the trailer.”
    “Duke gets sick in the sun. He does better in
the AC,” Jake replied, sounding irritated already. “If Eric wants
in, give Duke the friend command.”
    “What is the friend command?”
    “Tell him to stay and
say, friend. ”
    “Why is he growling at me?” she demanded.
    “He growls all the time. Just ignore him.
Keep your hands away from his mouth, and you’ll be fine.”
    “Jake-- ”
    He hung up.
    “Madeleine?” Eric called again.
    “Um, try to come in,” she said. “Duke, stay!
    Duke sat. He growled as Eric stuck his head
in but remained in place.
    “Friend!” she said again. Eric eased into the
trailer. Duke remained in place. “God, I overslept!” she said. “The
finance department is two hours ahead and needed this information
mailed four hours ago!”
    “I’ll take it into the motel,” Eric offered
without removing his shades.
    “You okay?” She looked up at him.
    “Had a few drinks.”
    Madeleine waited for an explanation or at
least an apology for not including her in the invite. Nothing came.
Unusually hurt by the exclusion, she gathered her papers.
    “I’ll take them in,” she said. “Need to get
away from this place for a bit.”
    “Sure, great,” Eric agreed. “I’ll watch
things here.”
    She glanced at him again. Eric didn't
normally leave her side or volunteer to be left behind
    “Okay,” she said. “Jake’s dog likes AC. You
might have a furry coworker until he

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