The Goodbye Girl

The Goodbye Girl by Angela Verdenius

Book: The Goodbye Girl by Angela Verdenius Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Verdenius
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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wasn’t kidding.  Nick stared at her.  His mystery woman was so far out there he wondered if she’d actually come back.  UFOs?  Really?  Was she having this poor Charlotte on, pulling her leg?
    “Where’s your van?” Charlotte asked.  “Is it in one piece?”
    “ Its fine, I just have to crawl over the passenger seat to get in.  I’ve got it booked in for repairs.”
    “Oh my, oh dear.  These aliens can be dangerous.”  Charlotte nibbled her bottom lip.  “What if they caught you?”
    “I have never been caught by an alien.”
    Nick wondered if the men in white coats had ever chased her.  God, what a shame.  His mystery woman was either a nut or a liar.  Talk about a let down.
    She chose that moment to glance over at him, and what she saw on his face must have tickled her fancy, because merriment danced in her eyes, those gorgeous lush lips curving up into a full-on smile that would have blinded him if he wasn’t now uncertain as to her sanity.
    Actually, her smile kind of blinded him anyway.  It wasn’t just Becky having hormone issues, apparently.
    His mystery woman stepped back, her gaze switching to Charlotte.  “I have to get ready, the first customer is coming soon.”
    “Are you going UFO hunting tonight?”  Charlotte obviously wasn’t ready to let it go, following his mystery woman into the hairdressing shop.
    “Got other plans, though you never know about afterwards.” Her reply drifted back to him.
    Nick stared at the shop, mentally shaking his head.  Figured, his mystery woman was a nut.  But…
    Thoughtfully he stared at the little alley running beside the shop.  Nah, really, he couldn’t…okay, he really should just walk away….oh, the hell with it.  He went down the alley to the back of the shop.  Yep, the blue Ford Transit van was parked at the back.  Walking around to the driver’s door, he saw that it had been hit hard by something big.  It dented in badly, and he had no doubt that she had to crawl over the passenger seat to get in and out of the van.  But what could have caused it?
    Bending closer, he ran his fingertips over the dent.  It didn’t have the look of another vehicle hitting it, no strange paint, and part of it…okay, that was weird.
    Standing, he shook his head.  Part of it looked a little…rounded…as though whatever hit it had been round.  But that wasn’t possible.
    After standing there for several seconds staring at the door, he turned away.  Nutty mystery woman aside, he had other things to do, his own hunt, namely that of finding The Goodbye Girl.
    She just had to be saner.
    Returning to the street, he crossed to the little post office.  One place to start, see if he could get a last name.
    The man who served him was tall, thin, and had a very prominent Adam’s apple.  His name tag proclaimed ‘Ed’.
    Ed nodded at Nick.  “’Morning.”
    “’Morning.  Listen, I had an envelope delivered by mistake to me, addressed to a Bree, no last name.  I was wondering if you could help me?”
    “Sure,” Ed replied.  “Give me the envelope.”
    Nick’s heart leaped.  “So you know Bree?”
    “I didn’t say that.  I said give me the envelope.”
    “But I can take it to Bree.”
    “But you don’t know her.”
    “No, but you do.”
    “I didn’t say that.”
    “So why do you want the envelope?”
    “I work in a post office.  I’ll return it to her address.”
    “If you give me the address, I can return it.”
    “But we don’t know if it’s the right Bree, do we?”
    Was he kidding?  Nick stared at him.
    “What if I gave you a Bree’s address, and it wasn’t the right Bree?” Ed continued.
    “But there’s only one Bree in town, right?”
    “I didn’t say that.”
    “There’s more than one Bree?”
    “I didn’t say that, either.”
    Maybe aliens had come in here and scrambled Ed’s brains.  For sure, Nick felt like he was in an episode of Twilight Zone.
    He took a deep breath.  “If you could just give

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