The Governess Club: Claire

The Governess Club: Claire by Ellie Macdonald Page B

Book: The Governess Club: Claire by Ellie Macdonald Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellie Macdonald
Tags: Fiction, Historical Romance
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eleven-year-olds could manage.
    How little she knows , Claire thought to herself. Her thoughts went back to that kiss she and Mr. Knightly shared outside her window. Days later, it still made her body tingle. Then later, standing beside him in the darkness, his coat keeping her warm and his arm a comforting weight across her shoulders as he pointed out the names of different stars. If he asked her now, she wouldn’t be able to recall any of those names, but describing the sensation of being held by him? She could write a whole book on that. His arm had been draped lazily, but possessively, warming her . . .
    Good heavens, she must get hold of herself. “My apologies again, ladies.” Taking a deep breath, she thought of how to distract them. “It appears that this is meant to be a leisure day. Shall we spend the afternoon at the lake?”
    Squeals followed her suggestion, and skirts flurried around small legs. With a smile, Claire rose to her feet and addressed the maid waiting in the corner. “Lucy, could you fetch towels please?”
    “Of course, Miss Bannister.”
    “Would you like to join us?” Claire asked as Lucy made her way to the door.
    “Thanks fer the offer, Miss, but if ye don’t mind, I’d be takin’ this time ta tidy up in a ways I can’t when the children are underfoot.”
    “I understand. Could you bring a picnic basket out in a couple of hours? I am sure the girls would enjoy a cold luncheon this afternoon. It is so gorgeous out today.” Claire moved to her room to change into her swimming dress.
    “Of course, Miss,” Lucy replied. “And fer the young masters?”
    “I don’t know where Mr. Knightly has taken them,” Claire said. “We will simply have to wait for their return.” She was unsure of how to interpret what his absence made her feel.
    An hour later, Claire sat on the grass, sunning herself as she watched the girls play in the water. Her hair was beginning to dry and frizzle around her head, but she didn’t care; being out of doors on such a day was a treat. She could always wash and brush her hair later. She tilted her head back to catch more of the sun’s rays, smiling at the playful shrieks coming from the water.
    A call from the direction of the house captured her attention. Shielding her eyes from the sun, Claire saw Jacob walking toward the lake with the two boys, swinging a picnic basket at his side. Peter and Michael were already pulling off their coats and shoes, their eyes eagerly on the play in the lake. With barely a greeting to her, they discarded their shirts and pants, rushing to the shore in only their smalls, their shrieks as high-pitched as their sisters’.
    Jacob grinned at her as he stopped close to her side. Gazing down at her tilted face and outstretched legs, a bolt of lust rushed through his body. Since that night on the roof, his dreams had been haunted by the memory of her lips and body against his, causing him to wake in uncomfortable states. One night he even embarrassed himself when he saw the stain on the sheets. “We intercepted Lucy on her way from the nursery,” he said, indicating the basket. “A leisure day seems well in order.” He dropped the basket on the ground and knelt down, his head cocked to the side. “To think, I have never actually seen a bird with its feathers ruffled; now I have no need to.”
    Claire frowned at him. “What do you mean?”
    He reached out and tugged her frizzy hair. “Just that, birdie.” He grinned as she swatted his hand away. “Coming for a swim?” He straightened and started pulling off his clothing.
    The ability to think deserted her. Claire stared as his physique was revealed, one piece of clothing at a time. When he began to pull his shirt out of his pantaloons, breathing was forgotten. Good heavens, had she actually pressed herself against that? Did all men’s chests look like that? Claire could not stop herself from staring at the muscles dancing across his torso and

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