The Heart of A Killer

The Heart of A Killer by Jaci Burton

Book: The Heart of A Killer by Jaci Burton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaci Burton
Tags: Suspense
just order another meal.”
    She drained her orange juice and set the glass and plate to the side. “Not necessary. I’m sufficiently full now.”
    “It’s nice to see you eating.”
    “I’ve gained an appetite over the years.”
    He shifted and looked under the table.
    “What are you doing?”
    He straightened, his gaze roaming from her face to the rest of her. “Checking to see if you have a hollow leg, because judging from your body there’s no way you can eat that much and not gain weight.”
    She laughed. “I burn it all off working. And it’s not like I get three squares a day of food like this. Most of the time I’m lucky to grab a granola bar or crap from the vending machine at the precinct. A full plate like this is a rarity.”
    “You have someone at home to cook for you?”
    Clever. “You mean like a housekeeper?”
    “No, like a husband.”
    “Nice fishing expedition. No husband.”
    He leaned back. “Just figured by now you’d be married with kids.”
    “I am married. To my job.”
    “You’re too beautiful to be married to your job.”
    “That’s a sexist remark.”
    He didn’t appear concerned, just took another sip of coffee, then said, “Okay, then. You’re too beautiful to be without a man.”
    “I didn’t say I was without a man.”
    “So you do have someone in your life.”
    “I didn’t say that, either.”
    His lips curled. “Cagey.”
    Despite her intent to keep her conversation with him cool, she couldn’t help but enjoy this cat-and-mouse game of Twenty Questions. “What about you? You certainly look like too much man to be without a woman.”
    He leveled one seriously hot look on her that made her toes curl.
    “How do you know I’m without a woman?”
    She laughed, letting out some of the stress that had been tightening her shoulders. “I think if you had a woman somewhere you wouldn’t be sitting here with me.”
    “You are a good detective.”
    She lifted her cup to her lips and smiled. “That’s what my dad says.”
    “See, this is what surprises me. You never wanted to be a cop like your dad.”
    Her smile died. “Things changed.”
    “You mean what happened twelve years ago?”
    “I don’t want to talk about twelve years ago.”
    “What if I do?”
    “Is that why you’re back? To bring up the past?”
    “No. I came to see you, to see everyone.”
    She hated asking it, didn’t want him to think she craved the answer. But the question needed to be answered. “Where’ve you been?”
    He shrugged. “Here and there.”
    “That’s a lousy answer to give a cop.”
    His lips lifted. “Yeah. But, really, not much to tell. I drifted, wandered, picked up work in one spot, then moved to another. I didn’t stay in one place too long.”
    “I could find out where you’ve been.”
    His grin widened. “You could try.”
    “Are you challenging me?” Irritation made her breakfast coil up like an angry snake in her stomach.
    He reached across the table and grasped her hand. “No. I didn’t come back here to piss you off.”
    She pulled her hand away. “You’re working pretty damn hard on it.”
    He inhaled, blew it out. “There’s nothing to tell you. I saw a lot of the…country. I was restless. And I needed to get out of here.”
    Escape would have been nice for her, too. But that hadn’t been an option. “You picked a hell of a time to just pick up and leave, Dante.”
    He stared down at his coffee cup, then back up at her. “Yeah, sorry about that.”
    That was it? She’d been attacked, had gone through the worst trauma of her life, and the one person she thought she could count on had abandoned her when she needed him the most. And all he had for her in the way of explanation was “sorry about that”?
    She stared him down, refusing to let him run this time. “You know, that’s just not good enough.”
    To his credit, he didn’t flinch, instead held her gaze. “I know it isn’t.”
    “Pretty interesting coincidence that you show up

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