The Heavens Rise

The Heavens Rise by Christopher Rice Page B

Book: The Heavens Rise by Christopher Rice Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christopher Rice
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy, Thrillers, Paranormal
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withdrew and went to join the other women, a few of whom were now stationed inside the lobby doors, pretending not to stare and doing a bad job of it.
    “You’re a friend of Marshall Ferriot’s?”
    Instead of answering, the kid said, “I talked to everyone who was at the table that night and they said your column was crap!”
    “Well, there’s no accounting for taste.”
    “How about lying? Is there any accounting for lying ?”
    She’d regretted her wisecrack as soon as it was out of her mouth, but when the bundle of hostility a few feet away reacted with that dreaded accusation yet again, she had to work to unclench her fists. She’d averaged three hours of sleep a night since the horrors she’d witnessed in the Plimsoll Club, and reliving it all again for the column her editor had leaned on her to write certainly hadn’t helped much. In fact, it had resulted in her first visit to Sunday services in months, which had thrilled her mother no end, but left Marissa feeling a little desperate and weak.
    But one thing was for sure; the teenager before her was in a lot morepain than she was, and she was willing to endure another few insults to find out why.
    But had she lied ?
    It was an op-ed column, for Christ’s sake. Teen suicides had been the focus, not the gory blow-by-blow of Marshall Ferriot’s horrific and fatal jump. Not her . But maybe that was just it. Lies of omission were the worst kind, really, maybe because they were so damn prevalent. Was that what he was accusing her of? Some unpleasant words exchanged with the victim before his leap and suddenly she was, what? A part of the story?
    Come on, girl. Don’t act like you haven’t thought it yourself over the past few nights, staring up at the ceiling, remembering the soullessness in his eyes when he hit that window. Wondering if maybe you’d tipped a crazy man over the edge with that cute little line about having dinner with snakes.
    “I’m very sorry about what happened to your friend,” she said.
    “He wasn’t my friend,” the kid muttered. And something about this admission seemed to make him more present; he registered their audience inside the lobby and his eyes widened with embarrassment. And there was that wet sheen again, but he quickly blinked it away.
    “Then what was he?” she asked.
    “His mother, she was being rude. Asking you questions about your family. Your people . Some of the other people at the table, they thought it was racist.”
    Well, glad I wasn’t the only one, Marissa thought.
    The boy continued. “But then Marshall . . .” And Marissa saw for the first time that uttering the guy’s name seemed to make her surprise visitor sick to his stomach. “Marshall . . . he asked you something about snakes . . .”
    “Yes. He did . . .”
    And it pained her to answer. It made her realize that yes, there was plenty of weirdness before Marshall’s big leap, and she’d left it all out.Maybe if she’d taken a deep breath while she was writing the damn thing. If she hadn’t rushed through it and let her sleeplessness get the best of her. And maybe she’d left out those pesky details because she didn’t want to be writing the damn column in the first place. The whole thing felt gruesome and invasive and she couldn’t find the right words to describe that mind-bending night. Hell, she’d also left out the part about how Marshall’s mother, a woman who had radiated contempt for Marissa just moments before, had somehow ended up sobbing in her arms, sobbing for a son who would be declared brain-dead when he was wheeled into Ochsner Medical Center an hour later, and for a husband who had died breaking their son’s thirty-one-story fall.
    “And you said something back,” the kid said, only his voice had gone soft, and maybe that was because Marissa couldn’t look him in the eye anymore.
    “He asked me if I could recognize certain snakes in the wild and I said I was more worried about the snakes I might have

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