The Highlander's Conquest

The Highlander's Conquest by Eliza Knight Page A

Book: The Highlander's Conquest by Eliza Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza Knight
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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the sky and a sliver of moonlight. She closed her eyes and whispered the words. When she was done, she felt lighter, as if she’d unburdened a load, which in essence she had.
    God forgave his children, she reminded herself. And she hadn’t killed the man in cold blood; it had been to save the life of a man who was meant to protect her. A man she had grown…fond of since he’d banged on her manor door. Aliah pressed her lips together in a frown. Was she truly fond of him? She chanced a glance in his direction and the warm flip of her belly and buzz in her ears told her she certainly felt something for the man.
    Saints ! That was not the realization she was hoping for. She clung a little tighter to the straps of her bow and quiver and straightened her shoulders. ’Twas not in her nature to let a little thing like her feelings for a man get in the way of her dreams and her future. She was slated for the church. Looked forward to her service to God and his children —repaying the taint of her birth and the death of her mother . If her mother had to die while giving her life, then Aliah would see to it she did only good for others. She was going to make this world a better place, and spend her life in peace, solitude and reflection. Perhaps work in the sanctuary’s herbal garden and hone her healing skills. Sew shirts for the poor. This little matter of a man interfering was nothing more than…a test. That was all it was and she’d best start realizing it.
    No more kissing in darkened forest s . No more drowning in the depths of his ivy-colored eyes. No more admiring his exquisite physique , or the way the light shined on his dark hair . This man was not what he appeared . She just couldn’t figure out in what way.
    Aliah marched to the horses, prepared to mount when she realized, yet again, she would be plastered to his back. ’Twould only make her newfound pledges all the more challenging. But she was up for the task . She could overcome this.
    Aye, when she was riding behind Blane , she could also more easily study him, figure out his plans and keep herself safe.
    Sir Blane mounted Gunnar and she avoided watching, instead she stared at Frosty to keep from swiveling her eyes in his direction. He offered his arm and she gripped it, gritting her teeth at the contact of his heat against her chilled limb. She swung up behind him and had to force herself not to purr when the warmth of his body seeped between her spread thighs.
    Oh…stones! She wished to let out a string of curses but that wouldn’t do, and while she sometimes forgot about her pledge to never take the Lord’s name in vain , sometimes cursing at the sky did make one feel better.
    Without asking if she was ready to depart, Blane urged his horse forward and his men followed suit. Frosty loped beside them, seemingly not noticing how little rest they’d been allowed. But Ali ah was exhausted. They’d travel ed hard all day, and slept little . T he y’d been ambush ed . And n ow they were traveling again. She didn’t want to ask when they would stop for fear of sounding too whiny, but she did hope it was soon. She needed a good night’s rest, especially if she was going to keep on her toes.

    The feel of Aliah’s hands pressed to his abdomen had Blane gritting his teeth. It had his blood boiling and his cock raging with need.
    Not good at all.
    Putting aside such physical need was of the utmost importance. She’d had him so thoroughly distracted that he hadn’t seen the ambush coming. That couldn’t happen again. Even still, he couldn’t get the memory of her kiss from his mind. Her soft lips, so willing and eager as he’d brushed against them. The way she’d plastered her body to his in blatant supplication to the pleasure he could give her. Blane had to remind himself that she was an innocent, that likely she was overwhelmed by the feelings he elicited in her. He wasn’t arrogan t , but he knew he was good at pleasuring women.

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