The Hinomoto Rebellion

The Hinomoto Rebellion by Elizabeth Staley Page A

Book: The Hinomoto Rebellion by Elizabeth Staley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Staley
Tags: Fiction
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again.” He leaped up into the air higher this time, beating the wings so that he stayed aloft well out of Andrea’s range.
    Great. I’m screwed. I can’t jump that high. Now my only option is to dodge whatever he does. She readied herself for action, the muscles in her powerful legs tensed to spring in either direction.
    Ryoku put one hand out in front of him and right before Andrea’s eyes a bow and arrow materialized in a flash of light. He used the other hand to pull back the string and let the arrow fly. The first missile hit dirt, but as Andrea stood up from her roll, another arrow grazed her right shoulder. Her cold blue eyes focused on the blood that was beginning to seep out of her flesh and make its way down her arm. She snapped her head up, her icy eyes focused on her attacker, who hovered six meters above her. “Alright, that’s it! I’m done playing around with you!” she growled.
    Andrea was about to launch another attack, though she wasn’t sure how she would high enough into the air to get to him. Just then a man jumped in front of her, facing Shinagami. “Hey!” Andrea screamed at the back of the person’s head.
“Ryoku! Either leave now or face me, you coward!” the newcomer yelled.
    Andrea though about smacking the man with the shoulderlength green hair in the back of the head. “You can’t just come in here and take over my fight!”
Ryoku rolled his eyes. “Not you again. My fight is not with you today, Densetsu. I’m here to kill the girl, that’s all.”
“Your fight is always with me, Ryoku!” yelled Densetsu, unaware that Andrea was about to start a fight with him.
    “Tell you what, I’ll come back when the Tiger can play by herself.” Ryoku flapped his powerful wings and took to the air in a violent gust of wind that sent litter and dust whirling down the alley. He disappeared over the rooftops and was gone.
    The green-haired figure turned, asking, “Are you all right?” He barely managed to dodge the fist that was headed for his head. “Whoa! What’s the big idea?” he exclaimed as he dodged the second punch Andrea threw at him. He was a little taller than Andrea, with broad shoulders and a round face with big, kind eyes. His right eye was golden in color, the left a deep blue. His dark green hair was shoulder length, with long bangs that framed his face from his forehead to his chin. One piece of his bangs was shorter than the rest, and was hanging between his eyes, brushing against his forehead. He wore a long white shirt with a high collar and a black leather belt around his waist that was adorned with a gold colored buckle. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to reveal a dark blue lining that matched his loose pants. The pants were cinched just at his ankles, right above a pair of black, soft soled slip-on shoes.
    Andrea lifted her leg in a powerful kick that was aimed directly for the man’s face. “How dare you! I could have taken him easily, you jerk!”
    “Hey!” The guy caught the kick and looked at Andrea. “You interrupted my fight!” she pulled her leg from his grasp and glared at him.
The man straightened out his white and blue Chinese style shirt. “You do realize that he could’ve killed you, right?”
“I would’ve beaten him if you hadn’t barged in where you weren’t needed!”
    Densetsu ignored her comment. “My name’s D, and you’re bleeding.” He then turned toward the entrance to the alleyway. “Nikko! Come here!”A large white dog that looked almost like a wolf came trotting around the corner and headed for him.
Andrea’s response was to throw another punch, which he caught with little effort. “Are you even listening to me?!” she howled.
    He tossed her hand aside like it was a piece of trash to be disposed of. “You listen to me!” he demanded, getting right up in her face, “I don’t care about whatever you have to say, so don’t bother screaming at me. The only thing I do care about right now is that Ryoku

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