The Hinomoto Rebellion

The Hinomoto Rebellion by Elizabeth Staley

Book: The Hinomoto Rebellion by Elizabeth Staley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Staley
Tags: Fiction
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hair that fell over his right eye and was wearing a denim jacket, a white shirt, and blue jeans. In his hands was a large spear with a red strip of cloth tied around it. “Who the hell are you?” Andrea demanded.
    Ryoku raised his head to look at Andrea. His visible eye was a piercing green and seemed to be attempting to stare into Andrea’s soul. He was taller than Andrea. “Who I am is not important,” he snarled.
    Andrea sneered. “Well, aren’t we Mister Mysterious? Is this an act to try to pick up girls? Let me give you some advice: it doesn’t work, so stop it.”
“You shouldn’t be so rude to the person who’s going to kill you.”
    “Look buddy, people have been trying to kill me my whole life. I seriously doubt you’ll succeed where they’ve failed. Now, tell me who you are.”
“If you must have a name to call me, then please, let it be Shinagami,” he smiled evilly.
“Shinagami?” A silver eyebrow rose in question. God of Death?
    He smirked and tensed his shoulder muscles. Right before Andrea’s eyes, a huge pair of black wings suddenly rose from his back. They unfolded slowly, unfurling feather by feather, inch by inch. They nearly filled the alleyway and were made of long feathers as dark as night.
“What the hell!?” exclaimed Andrea. “You another government experiment!?”
“I have come to take you to the afterlife, Andrea the Tiger,” replied Ryoku.
    “Yeah well, I don’t die so easy!” Andrea suddenly rushed forward, her sneakers digging into the pavement. “ Koroshiya Dan Ha! 4 ” Her fist glowed blue with energy as she pulled it back. At the last moment Ryoku flapped his wings and jumped, clearing her ki attack effortlessly.
    Andrea looked up, moving back quickly to narrowly avoid being impaled by a spear. Ryoku hit the ground with the weapon, and Andrea quickly regained her footing after nearly falling over from jumping backwards to avoid the blow
    Without enough time for a thought Andrea found herself jumping backwards again. Ryoku finished his swing, cracking the cement with the end of the spear. As the sound of the weapon hitting the ground echoed through the alley Andrea leaped in to attack with a quick roundhouse kick to his head. He began to dodge but Andrea realized what he was doing and turned the roundhouse into an ax kick, bringing her leg down into his shoulder. He quickly moved backward,
4 “Sniper’s Bullet Punch!”
    clutching his shoulder in surprise. Andrea put some more distance between them so she’d have time to block or dodge, depending on what Ryoku did.
“Well, you’re much better than I thought.” Ryoku rubbed his shoulder and gripped his spear.
    “Not bad yourself. It’s too bad you’re trying to kill me. I could use this kind of warm-up more often!” She leaped forward, her leg outstretched to plant her foot into his face.
    Ryoku reacted, bringing the handle of the spear up and smacking Andrea’s leg away to knock her out of the air. She landed in a crouched position, wincing at the pain shooting up her shin. “Wow, you actually hit the Tiger! Five points for the freak with the wings!” She narrowed her eyes and stood, assuming a defensive stance. I have to distract him, he’s too fast for me to hit. She tensed all her muscles to hide her next move. “So, do those things work, or are they made of string and wire?” she motioned toward the wings.
    A sarcastic laugh escaped Ryoku’s throat. “Oh, I assure you, they’re very real. Here, have a demonstration!” The wings began to beat, kicking up dust and paper from the ground. Andrea smiled and leaped forward in to the dust cloud. Before Ryoku could react Andrea’s knee was in his face. The spear fell to the ground with a clatter. Andrea brought her other leg up and used his chest to leap up and back-flip, landing on her feet. Ryoku steadied himself, a trickle of blood running down his face from his nose.
    “That was a dirty trick, Tiger. I won’t be so easily fooled

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