The Husband List

The Husband List by Janet Evanovich, Dorien Kelly

Book: The Husband List by Janet Evanovich, Dorien Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Evanovich, Dorien Kelly
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I corresponded for a few years, but we lost touch. When we happened on each other earlier this afternoon, she told me she was recently widowed.”
    “She wore an unusual choice of mourning garb this evening,” Caroline said.
    Jack shrugged. “She’s always been colorful. Practical, too. It could be that she can’t afford a long mourning period.”
    “I understand,” Caroline eventually said.
    Jack supposed she did, too. While her family might shelter her, Caroline was curious. He was sure she’d seen enough of those thinly veiled items about actresses and their patrons in the newspaper.
    “I’m sure she’s a very nice woman,” Caroline said as she rose. “But I should get back to my room. I’d only intended to be out long enough to admire the stars.”
    Jack stood, too. He held out a hand to stop her. “Before you go, I want to make you an offer.”
    She tilted her head. “Really? Not of the marriage sort, I trust. You’re not on Mama’s list.”
    “Your mother has a list ?” He shook his head. “Wait. Never mind. Of course she has a list.” And it was no doubt chiseled in stone, too. “But I’m offering honesty, not marriage.”
    She laughed. “Heaven knows in our set those two seldom seem to go together.”
    “Another reason for bachelorhood,” he said. “But I will promise to be your most honest friend. If you want to know something, ask. And I will not lie.”
    “Those are dangerous words, Jack Culhane.”
    Damn, but he liked this girl. “I know.”
    “It’s a deal,” she said.
    She held out her hand, and he took it. Her shake was warm and firm. And even if he wanted to draw her closer, he wasn’t going to.
    She stepped back. “It’s off to sleep for me.” But she hadn’t taken more than five steps before she turned back and added in a cheery voice, “And Jack, the next time I see you, be prepared to talk about kissing.”
    Jack was ready. Very ready.

    Caroline woke slowly, her delicious dream of venturing through a rich tropical forest replaced by watery morning light nudging at her eyelids. She closed her eyes more tightly. Reality could wait.
    “Miss, I know you’re awake,” said a voice indisputably that of Annie.
    Caroline gave up the battle and opened her eyes. Annie’s face hovered just above hers, wide blue-green eyes watching her intently.
    “What are you doing?” Caroline asked.
    The maid took a step back.
    “I was making certain you weren’t dead.”
    Caroline sat up. “Dead?”
    “Well, I’m sorry, Miss,” she said, sounding more amused than contrite. “But I knocked at the door as loudly as I dared without sending your mother into a temper, and then I got a key.” She waved the shiny brass room key.
    Caroline was going to ask Annie how she’d accomplished that feat, but the girl’s laughing smile shone as a testament to the fact that she could likely wheedle more than a key, should the need arise. How could one not respect such resourcefulness?
    “When I stepped in, I called your name and still you didn’t stir,” Annie said. “So I came close to check if you were still breathing. Good thing you were, too. It wouldn’t be easy, even for me, to talk myself into another position if you die when this is my first time being a lady’s maid.”
    She paused for an instant, another smile playing around her mouth. “I suppose yellow fever or a plague would be fine, but no mysterious dying, if you could please avoid it.”
    Caroline swung her feet to the floor, where her tapestry slippers awaited. “Thank you, but I’d prefer to avoid all three.”
    Now that she was fully awake, Caroline noted the actual daylight shining through the gap in the drapes covering the stateroom’s sole window.
    “Good heaven, where are we by now … Fall River?” she asked.
    “Just about to Newport,” Annie replied. “We stopped in the dead of night to help a six-man fishing dory that was sinking, so we’re running late. Your mother and sisters have been up for

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