The Inheritance: Anything He Craves
that he was her "what if" guy. Upon further
explanation, she told him that he was the only man she'd dated in
her past that she regretted how things ended. She’d always wondered
"what if" things went differently. She'd admitted that she gauged
men she dated, even to this day, to her memories of him. It was
both flattering and nerve-wrecking as hell. He'd never told her,
but he'd felt the same way. Did that make her, his "what if" girl.
He grinned at the thought.
    Being the
"What If" guy" was a lot to live up to and he wanted more than
anything to exceed her expectations. Maybe this date was just the
beginning of what should have been years ago. Taking in a deep
breath, he smiled, gave her a curt nod and closed the distance
between them.
    My God, he
looks amazing!
heart was thudding so hard in her chest she could hear the pounding
in her ears, just at the sight of him. He sauntered towards her,
his hands thrust into the front pockets of his snug fitting faded
blue jeans, and a black t-shirt stretched across his wide shoulders
and thick chest. He was actually better looking than when he was
younger, if that were at all possible. When she'd seen him that one
time at the supermarket, she'd been in such a hurry to get away
before he saw her, she'd never had the opportunity to really get a
good look at him and how gorgeous he'd become over the years.
    His grey eyes
remained locked onto hers and as he came closer, his expression
    Well at
least one of us has control over our nerves , she mused. Do I
hug him, kiss him, firm handshake? Ugh. What would be
appropriate in this situation? Luckily for Elizabeth, Dean took the
decision from her.
    "Lizzie!" As
Dean closed the final few feet between them, he pulled her into a
tight embrace, lifting her off her feet, using his pet name for
her. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she buried her face against
his shoulder basking in the strength of his arms around her and the
sweet smell of his cologne. His cologne was very familiar, the
exact cologne that he wore when they were young. She loved it, and
was momentarily transported her back in time, her body reacting
with an unexpected burst of desire. Every feeling she'd had for
him, all those years ago, came flooding back leaving her slightly
    She'd been in
love with him back then.
    "Dean," she
replied, as he loosened his grip on her and she slid down his rock
hard body. She could actually feel the goofy grin, and blush
creeping into her cheeks as she peered up at him.
    He took a step
back from her and gave her appearance a careful look, his eyes
travelling up and down her body. The heat in her cheeks
intensified. She'd obsessed over what to wear from the moment they
confirmed a time and place, but by the look of appreciation in his
eyes as he gazed upon her, she felt it was safe to assume he liked
the red floral sundress and chunk-heeled sandals. It was a simple
outfit, but it hugged the right areas and that was what was
    Catching her
eyes, he smiled. "You look exactly like you did ten years ago
    Rolling her
eyes she gave him an appreciative smile. "Mmmm, you lie so well
Dean. But thank you."
    Turning the
tables on him, she let her eyes roam down and then back up the
length of his body, subconsciously hesitating at his groin and a
tingle of excitement swept through her as she caught a glimpse of
the ridge of his dick under the jean. They'd never had sex when
they were dating all those years ago, but she'd fantasized about
it. Perhaps that was why it had felt so intense back then - the
    She'd wanted
to, but his experience and her lack thereof back then had
intimidated her. So they'd broken up before they actually had a
chance to do more than a little heavy petting. In a way it made
meeting him again even more exciting and nerve wrecking.
    When her eyes
met his once again, she was pleasantly pleased to see a faint flush
on his handsome features. A feeling

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