Highness (The Lonely Heart Series)

Highness (The Lonely Heart Series) by Latrivia S. Nelson

Book: Highness (The Lonely Heart Series) by Latrivia S. Nelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Latrivia S. Nelson
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played volley ball with a sheik on sun bleached sand with exotic beauties and charted a $4.8 billion yacht with a Malaysian general across the Baltic Sea, but never once had he had the pleasure of visiting a Super Wal-Mart. 
    This dynamic retailer was packed with everything from sugar cookies to radio tires to double-barrel shotguns, all in one very convenient location, all reasonable priced, all on sale 24 hours a day and all under devil-awful florescent lights.  This place was so liked by Americans until it only closed on Christmas Day. 
    And he could see why.
    He loved this place.
    The only thing that he didn’t love was having to wait in line like the rest of the working-class blokes. 
    As he passed by the many families scurrying about the large store in deep conversation or maneuvering with their cell phones stuck to their faces and hands, he found himself completely entertained by the varying wardrobes, the deep southern drawls and overall informality of the place. 
    To his amazement, he was knee deep in common life.  He saw sagging pants, too tight skirts, shorts that were more like briefs, women wearing way too much makeup, old women with bad wigs, and kids with offensively snotty noses.  So not only could one get everything that was on their shopping list, they could also get a communicable disease. 
    In a leisurely stroll with a gentle smile on his face, Michael walked beside Geoff as they loaded up their shopping cart to the top with miscellaneous things they would need for their newly rented house in Hernando.  There was something calming about shopping for all of his own personal items, cleaning needs and food.  He got a chance, first hand, to decide each and everything that went into his home, unlike the mansion that he had grown up came pre-furnished with centuries-old wares, and maids and butlers, chefs and designers that decided on his daily life. 
    This had been there second run to the adult toy store , but he rather enjoyed it and found any reason at all to come back. Plus, it wasn’t like someone else was going to do the work for them.  They were supposed to be incognito.  Commoners.   The only people who knew where they actually where was his brother, his mother and MI6, who had posted up not far from their home in case of emergency. However, they had strict orders to stay out of the way unless a situation became a concern for national security. 
    In their process of vetting an ideal place for him to stay, it had been a sheer turn of luck that an old man by the name of Rousey Jernigan with a broken hearing aid needed to rent out the smaller home on his 5-acre lot. 
    It was a nice, late-model, bricked home that had been built for Jernigan’s daughter and her husband when they were first married.  But since then, they had moved out and there was no one else to manage it.  Mr. Jernigan was a widower and an anti-social butterfly, so he never bothered them as he was sure that they weren’t funny people.
    Upon answering the ad in the paper and seeing the home for himself, Michael thought it was perfect for his exploits.  It was a charming three-bedroom closet of a house with all the updated amenities and even Wi-Fi.    He’d blend into the small sleepy town flawlessly with his set up.
    Geoff, however, was completely unnerved.  He thought that Michael’s arrangement with his brother was reckless and potentially dangerous.  He thought the house was ridiculous, and he wanted nothing more than to return to his native country.  But he was just his liege’s man, not his counselor.  So, he settled for sharp looks and heavy sighs of discontentment, which Michael happily ignored. 
    A young woman, barely in her 20s, with red hair glanced over at Michael and gave a flirty smile.  Unfortunately, Michael had not noticed her until now, but she seemed awfully close to be shopping. He stepped back a foot and smiled.
    “Hi,” she said, reaching beside him to pick up something from

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