Highness (The Lonely Heart Series)

Highness (The Lonely Heart Series) by Latrivia S. Nelson Page B

Book: Highness (The Lonely Heart Series) by Latrivia S. Nelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Latrivia S. Nelson
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Geoff answered. He took the envelopes and set them in the middle compartment. “We’ll take care of it directly, Mr. Jernigan.”
    “How are you getting settled back there?” he asked, ready to go back inside out of the heat.
    “Just fine,” Michael answered. “The house is very nice. Thank you.  We’ve just come from Wal-Mart getting more supplies.  It’s a very accommodating place.”
    Accommodating?  They behaved as though they’d never been to a Wal-Mart. One was just the same as any other.   “Good,” Mr. Jernigan said, tapping the door. “Well, you boys have a nice one.  Since the wife passed a year ago, I go into town for Saturday dinner.  Not much for cooking, myself.” He spat tobacco on the ground and wiped the side of his silver beard.  “So, I’m going to get ready.  I might be able to get some lemon ice box pie if I hurry.”
    “Well, enjoy your trip,” Geoff answered, sensibilities raring quietly. Spitting tobacco was yet another vile tradition that he did not care for.
    “If you can call it that,” Mr. Jernigan said, slowly moving away from the truck so that they could pass. 
    Pulling off, Geoff huffed. “I’ll take the neighbor the mail after I’m done unloading the truck.”
    “No, I’ll do it,” Michael said, taking the mail.  He clutched the envelopes in his hand.  “I haven’t been for a run or walk in weeks. It will do me well.  Plus, it would be nice to see a new face.  I’m sure she’s just some old lady who likes to talk a lot.”
    Geoff didn’t complain. He was ready to retire for the day.  “Very well, I’ll take out all of the groceries and put them away.  Then I’ll run over and check in with the team.  They might have news from your brother.”
    “Oh yes, our friends at MI6.  Seems hilarious really, don’t you think?  They’re doing nothing at all over there but searching the Internet for porn.”  Michael looked down at his phone.  He was used to a hundred text messages; it seemed now that he barely got one.  
    “Expecting a caller?” Geoff asked curiously. 
    “No.”  Michael opened the door as soon as Geoff parked. “I’m bored.  I need something else to immerse myself in besides the riveting sights of Mississippi.”
    “A job,” Michael answered. “Something that will allow me to be put to good use.”
    Geoff raised a brow. “Don’t blow your cover?  The whole point of this is to keep you out of the media.”
    “Yes, yes, I know.”  Looking across the way at the white house on the hill, Michael rotated his broad shoulders.  “I’ll be back in a little while.”
    Bree hated to have to leave Hope so quickly, but she had to return home to Dallas and get back to work in the next day or so.  And considering that Hope was only a friend by law even though in every other way she was family, she had not been able to file for FMLA in order to stay for an extended period of time.  Plus with Hope unwilling to go back with her, she had no choice to make sure that she had adequate care in her absence.
    It had been a knuckle sandwich to swallow.  The same man who had caused all of this was now in a position to be her friend’s savior.  She knew that taking Sean’s help was not what Hope wanted, but it was the only plausible option that they had.
    Sitting in the living room perched on her favorite window seat, Hope allowed the sun to soak through her skin while they listened to D’Angelo on the stereo.  He had a new CD out that Hope was dying to hear. 
    Bree, on the other hand, cooked up a storm, preparing plate after plate of ready-made dishes that Hope would be able to simply pull out of the refrigerator and put into the microwave for the next few days.
    “What time is it?” Hope called out for the third time.
    “She should be here in just a few minutes,” Bree called out from the kitchen. 
    Hope huffed. “I hope that she’s nice.  I know that I’m getting on your nerves.  Sorry, I’m just

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