The Invitation-kindle

The Invitation-kindle by Michael McKinney Page B

Book: The Invitation-kindle by Michael McKinney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael McKinney
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unexceptionably steadfast in her love and support, being completely dedicated to his recovery, and general wellbeing. As Steve looks around the room he sees the trophy on the mantle they both won for taking second place in the State Ballroom Dancing Competition seven years ago. Dancing was for both of them a great source of enjoyment. Remembering those happier days, his thoughts turn somber. He thinks how paltry and meager a ride on a plane must be compared to the continual sacrifice and devoted support of his loving wife. How could he ever hope to repay that gift? A gnawing sense of inadequacy seeps into his thoughts. He knows the danger of such thinking. He is determined not to allow his disability to rule his life. That is now the greatest challenge he faces, a challenge that he appears to be meeting successfully, at least for now.


Chapter Seven
    Several days later, Director Slaughter walks into his office at FBI headquarters in Washington. He arrives this morning with a strong sense of expectation. Receiving a phone call last night from his trusted lead investigator Tim Colby, he has been told that the medical records of the President’s hospital stay when he was briefly hospitalized several years ago have been obtained, and what has been described as “a certain irregularity” has been found. Convinced he will learn something new from the brain scan images of Ken Myers taken after an auto accident when he was Governor of Florida, the Director is eager to hear Tim Colby’s report. Knowing the potentially explosive scandal that could result from unauthorized access to these records, Director Slaughter has ordered strict secrecy be observed by those few with any knowledge of the case. He knows he is dealing with something that could redound with consequences that would be extremely serious. If known, the covert possession of any part of the President’s medical records would at least mean his resignation as director of the FBI, and possible criminal charges.  Leaning back in his chair he considers the unusual situation that confronts him. He picks up the DVD that he watched with Tim Colby. Recalling the inexplicable images of Ken Myers reading the plays of Shakespeare at an impossible speed, he resolves to himself to discover what it means, even if it requires tactics that are less than legally defensible.
    The expected voice of his secretary interrupts his chain of thought.
    “Sir, Mr. Colby is here.”
    “Please send him in, Connie.”
    A moment later the door opens, and Tim Colby briskly enters.
    “Morning, Tim,”
    “Good morning, Sir.”
    Without bothering to be seated Agent Colby opens his briefcase and removes a large envelope. Placing it on the table in front of the Director, he sits down to apprise his boss.
    “Sir, as reported we were able to obtain the brain scan results done on Ken Myers when he was hospitalized.”
    “Before we go any further, let me ask you, are we exposed?” the director asks.
    “We are not.”
    “Are you sure?”
    “I’m certain of it.”
    “You know this could be political dynamite.”
    “I know that, Sir.”
    Picking up the envelope the Director removes the numbered photographs. Looking at the first one he asks, “So, is this the original scan?”
    “It’s a photo of the original. We looked at it and found nothing unusual. Then I had the image magnified. The second photo shows what we found when we magnified the original fifty times.”
    Looking at the second photo with a mixture of curiosity and bafflement, the Director asks, “What am I looking at?”
    “We don’t know, Sir. It looks a little like a chip of some type. In the next two photos we magnified the image eighty times, and then two hundred.”
    Quickly turning to the last photograph, Director Slaughter pauses, and tries to make sense of what he’s seeing.
    “So whatever this thing is, it’s inside his brain?”
    “Yes, Sir, it’s in a part of the brain called, uh, I have it written down

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