The Island Project: A Thriller

The Island Project: A Thriller by Taylor Buck Page A

Book: The Island Project: A Thriller by Taylor Buck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taylor Buck
Tags: Fiction, thriller, Suspense, Retail
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inches of the shock lines.
    Danner froze. He laid on his back on the wet ground staring straight up at the sky.
    He could hear the hum of the electricity pulsating across the horizontal lines on the fence just inches from his face.
    12,000 volts.
    Even though he knew the amount wasn’t necessarily life threatening, it was substantial enough…certainly enough to burn the flesh on his face. Danner had no interest in having himself anywhere near it. He backed away slowly and brushed himself off. He retrieved his shotgun from the ground and walked over to see what had sent him flying through the air. As he approached, he quickly realized what it was.
    Jutting out from under a large Hibiscus bush, he clearly made out a human body lying face down. A gun still gripped loosely in the man’s right hand. Danner could see the initials engraved onto the KA-BAR combat knife attached to the man’s belt.
    It was Kane.


    15 OCTOBER, 9:45 A.M.

    Bennett and Kelly sat in the back of a brightly colored cafe entertaining a couple of near-empty cappuccinos.  A shared box of Malasadas, Portuguese sweet rolls , lay empty on the table. They had spent the past two hours catching up and searching the Internet for clues of a wildcat in Hawaii. Their searches hadn’t turned up much.
    Kelly came across an old folklore story about a “Hawaiian Mystery Big Cat” roaming the hills of the Big Island. However, as they dug deeper into the story it was revealed that it had been over eighty years since the last sighting. Not likely the cat Bennett and Kelly were looking for.
    “Let’s go!” Kelly said enthusiastically. “I figure the only way we’re going to actually know if this thing exists or not, is if we go find it ourselves. Do you still have access to the reserve?” Kelly asked.
    “Until Tuesday,” replied Bennett.
    “Well, then what are we waiting for?” she said.
    Bennett left some cash on the table and they drove away in the truck, west toward the reserve.


    15 OCTOBER, 10:15 A.M.

    Dr. Rupert Perry loosened his bowtie and scanned the floor for a waiter. All he could see were tuxedos and evening gowns. In order to get through another hour at this event, Perry knew he was going to need a scotch. Maybe two. The problem would be finding a tray of liquor being served at this hour.
    Dr. Perry was attending a brunch benefit on the island of Oahu held by the Advanced Orthotics and Prosthetics Association. The brilliant minds of Orthotic and Prosthetic development were being acknowledged today with a black tie brunch. Dr. Perry initially scoffed at the invite. Who would schedule a formal event at such a ludicrous time of day?
    His involvement with robotic prosthetics had earned him a spot as a guest speaker at the event. He had accepted the invitation mainly out of obligation. More than anything, though, he had agreed due to the proximity of the affair. Since it was a national event taking place on a neighboring island, it would appear strange had he not accepted.
    To the public, Dr. Perry’s accomplishments in robotic prosthetics were more widely recognized in contrast to his endeavors for the DOD. Dr. Perry was one of the top names (if not the very most) in robotic prosthetic development. He had written the book on modern prosthetic and orthotic development by neural communication. In fact, that was the name of it.
    It was a poor day to be stuck in an engagement, though— especially with a juggernaut missing from his facility .
    Perry was hoping that the robot would have somehow succumbed to the elements by now. The juggernauts were not yet field-approved. There were a few crucial components in their programming that were needed before they were ready to test out on their own. However, the possibility that Lorry had been neutralized was wishful thinking at best.
    Perry knew what they were capable of.
    At least thirty hours had passed since Lorry escaped. Based on her life

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