The Island Project: A Thriller

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Book: The Island Project: A Thriller by Taylor Buck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taylor Buck
Tags: Fiction, thriller, Suspense, Retail
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unit, she should be starting to fade, too—which would most likely bring her back to the facility.
    The juggernauts were programmed to return to a power source if their energy falls below a certain level. Their life units held roughly 48 hours of charge. Even with the abundance of solar power, Lorry still needed a direct source to provide a complete charge. At least Dr. Perry was fairly certain anyway.

    Lorry is not responding to direct commands. Call immediately.

    That was the message chief engineer Kenneth Braden had sent Dr. Perry earlier that day. Perry found himself trying to rationalize a solution to the madness. The whole matter was putting him on edge. The current group of eight juggernauts was more dangerous than anybody knew and Perry was extremely uneasy about one being out in the open.
    This was Braden’s fault really, Perry thought to himself. He knew he had let Braden go too far in allowing the problem-solving, logistical functionality into the juggernaut’s programs. It proved correct by the fact that Lorry had jumped on her own will. She had jumped out of her containment. She had escaped the building. Perry still couldn’t believe it. He had to balance his concern with his excitement. If they were in fact acting independently, then he knew he had just made scientific history. Due to the AI restrictions on his research, he knew he couldn’t actually unveil this finding though. His research would be terminated and they would cease all of his operations. If Lorry was discovered by anyone, it was the end. He knew it.
    Rick Danner had better find her.
    As Dr. Perry thought about his dilemma he began to heat up. His brow began to perspire. He needed that scotch. Finally he spotted a waiter walking by. “Excuse me, what is this?” Perry pointed to the cocktail glasses balanced on the tray the man was holding.
    “Martini, sir…Gin.”
    Perry reacted with a disapproving expression that he didn’t attempt to hide. “I don’t much care, really.” He grabbed two glasses, downing one instantaneously. Perry felt his cell phone vibrating in his coat pocket. He placed the empty cocktail glass back on the waiter’s tray and grabbed his phone out of his pocket. It was a message from Rick Danner. He read the letters displayed on the screen:

    Kilo down. Found in the Beta Sector by the fence. It was open.

    The message took a second to sink in.
    Kilo down.
    A man was dead.
    Perry felt himself turn red as fury boiled up inside of him. He unleashed a string of curses in his mind, finding it tremendously hard to maintain his composure. He needed to leave. This was turning into an utter disaster. He now had a human casualty to deal with.  Perry’s mind went instantly into survival mode. It would take some precise and quick planning to hide this. They would have to make up a story—stage it somehow.
    It had to stop here. He knew he had to get back to the facility.
    “Dr. Perry?”
    A voice from behind made Perry turn around abruptly, nearly sending his martini showering the surrounding guests. Perry stared wild-eyed in the direction of the questioner.
    “I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to startle you.” A short man wearing a tuxedo, spectacles and a moustache was directing his hand toward the stage. “We’re ready for you,” the man said.
    The crowd was slowly seating themselves and Perry could see the Board of Directors up front beginning to look his direction. Perry set down his drink. He straightened his tie and consciously donned a business manner. He eyed the podium and began making his way over, walking with a confident stride. The man on stage was already introducing him. Perry could hear his name called out over the PA, supplemented by a string of pretentious compliments that were intended to hail his accomplishments. He felt the eyes of the crowd fix on him as they clapped. Perry walked up the few stairs and reached the podium. He placed his hands on the sides of the wooden frame below the microphone

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