The Jungle of Horrors

The Jungle of Horrors by Joe Dever

Book: The Jungle of Horrors by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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had on you.
    ‘It's got a taste like nectar but the kick of an angry mule!’ replies the man in red, who has helped you across the floor. As your vision and the pain in your head begin to clear, you notice that he is a soldier. He wears the scarlet tunic of the Tharro garrison, emblazoned with their insignia of a castle and an open hand. You apologize for the trouble you have caused and offer to buy him a drink to make amends. He accepts but on one condition — that you do not have another Bor Brew!
    Turn to 126 .

    Eventually the volcanic spur slopes back into the stinking mire, and once more you find yourselves ankle-deep in cold, black ooze. A chilling howl drifts across the swamp from the north, and for a few fleeting seconds, you can hear no scuttling, slithering, or any other small noise.
    You are hungry and must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
    Turn to 56 .

    You race to the end of the alley, turn the corner, and run across the quadrangle. Suddenly two monks on horseback trot out of the street ahead. You recognize them at once: they are the two monks you saw earlier — the two that took your horses. They shout a curse and draw their swords, riding straight towards you.
    Monks (on horseback): COMBAT SKILL  22    ENDURANCE  29
    If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control, you may add 2 points to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the combat.
    If you win the combat, turn to 247 .

    The morning sky is filled with a sullen grey haze, and around you the tall plains grass undulates like a green sea, stirred to motion by a chill westerly breeze. The Great North Road cuts a straight line to the horizon with tracks that lead to cottages and farmsteads branching off at regular intervals. Sheep and cattle graze by the roadside, and the air is rich with the scents of the farmyard, flowers, and damp grass.
    ‘We should reach Tharro by sundown,’ you comment, checking your position on the map.
    ‘Maybe,’ replies Paido, cautiously, and points to a menacing streak of blue-black cloud rolling across the skyline from the west. ‘Just so long as we stay ahead of the storm.’
    By noon you have put thirty miles behind you but still have thirty more to ride before you reach the town of Tharro. Steadily the sky is darkening, and what began as fine drizzle has now developed into sheets of heavy rain. Both of you are drenched, and your horses are beginning to steam as they splash through the ankle-deep puddles that punctuate the muddy highway.
    Through the pall of rain, you see an inn on the banks of a stream, whose waters are greatly swollen by the storm. A wide stone bridge spans the rushing torrent, and a mill with a thatched roof stands close by.
    If you wish to stop at the inn, turn to 188 .
    If you wish to cross the bridge and seek shelter at the mill, turn to 61 .
    If you choose to ignore your discomfort and ride on through the storm, turn to 318 .

    The monks stare in horror at the smouldering remains of the Helghast. ‘What manner of demon are you?’ asks one, with terror in his voice. ‘He's a black sorcerer,’ says the monk at his side. ‘A creature of darkness!’ shouts another.
    You sense that the monks were unaware of their leader's true identity. They believe you came here tonight to murder him, and his smoking remains convince them that you have accomplished your mission. Before you can utter a word, they draw short swords and rush at you like men possessed.
    Monks of the Sword: COMBAT SKILL  25    ENDURANCE  45
    Owing to their state of frenzy, the monks are immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).
    You may evade combat after three rounds by pulling yourself through the hatch; turn to 191 .
    If you win the combat, turn to 293 .

    The hiss of the crossbow bolt is followed, almost instantaneously, by a terrible pain that paralyses your left arm. You are knocked over by the force of the missile and crack your head heavily on the sawdust-strewn floor: lose 8

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