The Killer (Bad Boys)

The Killer (Bad Boys) by Jordan Silver

Book: The Killer (Bad Boys) by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
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Chapter 3
    By the time the boys came out of the house, I was already seated in the back seat.
    Damien took the wheel with An tonio riding shotgun.
    "The guys are on the way , we had a little talk with the housekeeper, she's dust."
    "Tribec a."
    Better they learn now , I'm not one for words, and as long as this anger raged inside me, I'll be even shorter. I have nothing to say until I've done everything I'd made up my mind to do. They will all bleed before grandpa was underground.
    Th ey tensed up a little at my direction, but didn't dare question me. I knew what they were thinking, but I didn't give a fuck, I'm gonna do this my way.
    Outside the commissioner's house , I jumped out the back before they'd come to a full stop.
    Going up the steps to the brownstone on the tree lined street , with its fancy cars up one end and down the other, there was no one about, which is normal for a neighborhood like this; that suited me just fine.
    A young girl answered the door when I rang the doorbell. Cute.
    "Your father?"
    She turned to call into the house for him, but I stopped her.
    "Show me." She seem ed a little scared; I guess my coldness came through loud and clear, huh. Before the night was out she would have a whole lot more to be afraid of.
    Taking her arm at the elbow , I followed her into the house, towards the back, and into what I guess was the study. The commissioner was seated behind a desk with a cigar in his mouth.
    "What the, Natalie who is this?" He tried getting out of his chair but I drew my gun and held it on him. The daughter, Natalie, started to scream, but I held my hand up to the side without taking my eyes off her father.
    She started moaning as if in pain, but I'll deal with her later.
    "You set my grandfather up for money, how much?"
    "What, what are you…?" He looked at his daughter and swallowed deeply.
    "Don't lie , unless you've murdered more than one old man in the last week, you know exactly who I'm talking about, who was your inside man?"
    He tried to get into his desk , so I put one in his chest, nowhere near an artery, just bone, immense pain but not life threatening.
    The girl screamed until I held that hand up again.
    "Silence Natalie, we'll be done soon."
    "I don't..." The next one went in his neck. Now that one, that one will bleed him out, it might take a little time but he was done.
    "Take your secrets to your grave with you." She ran over to him , crying her little heart out as she hugged him begging him not to leave her. I gave her enough time to say goodbye before pulling her away.
    "Wait you can't just take her."
    His mouth leaked blood even as he tried to save his precious daughter.
    "A life for a life."
    I pulled her along behind me as she struggled to get free, my face set in stone. They'd been much blood spilt this day and there will be more.

“Home.” The guys shared a look between them when I came back to the car with the girl, but I didn’t owe anyone any explanations for my actions. “Quiet.” I ordered her without looking at her as she sat next to me.
    She reached for the door handle and my hand came down on hers stopping her. “Leave it.” I finally looked at her then for the first time. I’d thought she was cute before, maybe my eyes were too clouded by rage; she’s fucking gorgeous.
    Blonde and blue! Not my usual fare but she was something to look at. She had to be about nineteen or twenty years old, she still had that new shine on her. She glared at me with a mixture of shock and anger in her eyes.
    I had to smile at myself, because I was in the middle of a war and my cock was sniffing for action. The old Callieri blood in play. Beneath the burning rage was the need for release. Every fighting man knows that sex is the best decompression.

    “I hate you.” She spat the words at me as she tried to pull away again.
    “I could give a fuck.” That seemed to take her aback for a second , before she started her shit again.
    “If you

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