The Lake (The Lake Trilogy, Book 1)

The Lake (The Lake Trilogy, Book 1) by AnnaLisa Grant Page B

Book: The Lake (The Lake Trilogy, Book 1) by AnnaLisa Grant Read Free Book Online
Authors: AnnaLisa Grant
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The store is laid out well with signs hanging above each section indicating the genre or subject matter for that area. I make my way to the fiction section. I always prefer fiction. Anything else feels like homework.
    The first aisle I pick at random is filled with trashy harlequin novels. The covers always make me laugh out loud. As I reach the end of the aisle I turn right to make a U-turn down the next row, but I cut the turn too close and bump into the end-cap, which sends me stumbling headlong toward a table of books displaying celebrity autobiographies. Instead of crashing into the table I’m caught by two strong arms. I get my bearings and look up to see that I’m being cradled in Will’s arms.
    “Are you ok?” he asks in his same smooth, unfaltering voice.
    “Yeah…thanks…sorry. I guess I wasn’t watching where I was going,” I say, staggering my words and my body into an upright position most ungracefully.
    He notices the books in the aisle I’ve just left, gestures to them and asks, “Find anything interesting?”
    I’m mortified but do my best to recover. “I visit this aisle for a good laugh. I mean…seriously?” I pick up one of the trashy novels, “Who looks like this?”
    We both laugh and Will gives his best smoldering look and puffs his chest out. I’m taken aback. If this is his fake smoldering look, I can’t imagine any girl not being putty in his hands with his real one. His eyes are the prettiest blue I have ever seen, and when he puffs his chest out I can see how fit he is. I wonder if he’s an athlete or if Luke has him on retainer for manual labor that keeps him in shape. He’s tall and towers over me, like everyone else. I can’t take my eyes off his bronzed face. His cheekbones and jaw line are in perfect harmony. He is so obviously handsome.
    “So…you decided to leave the compound, eh?” he says.
    “Yeah, Claire wanted to go shopping, so I let her drag me out. We just had lunch and were hitting this place before we went home.” I have to make myself look away a couple of times. I’ve been staring at him and do not want to be that girl. I’m sure he’s got plenty of girls after him and the adoring gaze probably gets old. Besides, I am not an option in Will Meyer’s world so why torture myself.
    “Oh, cool. Well...I’m meeting some friends for a movie and then a late dinner. This would be a great chance for you to meet them. Do…you…want to come?” He hesitates over the last part. I wonder if he’s just being polite , but he didn’t have to say anything to me in the first place, so maybe he really wants me to come. “What d’ya say?”
    Claire approaches us before I have a chance to reply. “Hey Will! What d’ya say to what?”
    “Will’s meeting some friends for a movie and dinner, and asked if I wanted to go with them. Is it ok if I go? I don’t have to. I mean…they weren’t planning on me being there, so I don’t want to impose.” I’m rambling, but I want to give him an out if he needs one.
    “You’re not imposing, Layla. I invited you. I want you to come.” He says my name and I lose focus for a split second. “Mrs. Weston, I can drive her home, if it’s ok with you that she comes.” Charming…yet again.
    “I think that’s a great idea. It’ll give you a chance to make some more friends before school starts, Layla.” With that, Claire takes out $50 in cash from her wallet and insists I take it. I tell her it’s too much, but there’s no arguing. I’ve never even seen a $50 bill in person.  “Find any books you’d like to get? I found three that I’m sure will be added to the ‘I’ll get around to it one day’ shelf. Luke will be so pleased!” she giggles.
    “Thanks,” I say as I put the cash in my back pocket. “I didn’t find anything.”
    Will says the movie is starting soon so I thank Claire for the money, shopping, and lunch, and promise not to be home too late. There’s a theater in this shopping center, too.

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