The Last Jew

The Last Jew by Noah Gordon

Book: The Last Jew by Noah Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Noah Gordon
Tags: Fiction, Historical, Jewish
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you believe this thing is come upon you from us? The Lord has put this thing into the heart of the king,' she told the three Jews disdainfully, and the audience was over.
    Throughout the kingdom, Jewish councils met in new desperation.
    In Toledo, the Council of Thirty struggled to achieve some sort of plan.
    'I cherish this land. If I must leave this beloved place where my ancestors rest,' David Mendoza said finally, 'I wish to go where I will never be accused of murdering an infant in order to make matzos from his tender body, or stabbing the Eucharist, or insulting the Virgin, or mocking the Mass!'
    'We must go where innocent folk are not ignited like tinder,' Rabbi Ortega said, and there was a murmur of agreement.
    'Where might such a place be?' Yonah's father asked.
    There was a long silence. They stared at one another.
    Yet all had to go somewhere, and people began trying to make plans.
    Aron Toledano, a stocky, slow-speaking man, came to his brother's house and he and Helkias talked for hours, proposing destinations and rejecting them while Yonah listened, trying to understand.
    There were really only three possible destinations, when all was said. To the north, the kingdom of Navarre. To the west, Portugal. To the east, the seacoast, offering ships to transport them to more distant lands.
    But within days they learned new facts that helped narrow the choices.
    Aron came again, his farmer's face dark with worry. 'Navarre cannot be considered. Navarre will accept only former Jews who have converted to the worship of Jesus.'
    Less than a week later they learned that Don Vidal ben Benveniste de la Cavalleria, who had minted Aragon's gold coins and Castille's currency, had ridden to Portugal and received permission for Spanish Jews to go there. King John II of Portugal saw an opportunity and decreed that his treasury would tax one ducat from every immigrating Jew, plus one-fourth of any merchandise carried into his kingdom. In return, the Jews would be allowed to stay six months.
    Aron shook his head in disgust. 'I hold no trust in that one. In the end, I think we would receive less justice from him than we have received from the Spanish throne.'
    Helkias agreed. And that left only the seacoast, whence they would take ship.
    Helkias was deliberate and gentle, a tall man. Meir had been shorter and blockier, like Aron, and Eleazar already showed the signs of a similar build. Yonah was built larger, like his father, whom he regarded with awe as well as love.
    'To where shall we sail then, Abba?'
    'I don't know. We will go where there are many ships, probably to the port of Valencia. Then we will see what shipping is available, and where the vessels are bound. We must trust that the Almighty will guide our path and help us make a wise decision.'
    He looked at Yonah. 'Are you fearful, my son?'
    Yonah struggled to form a reply but was slow to answer.
    'It is not a shame to be afraid. It is wise to recognize that travel is rife with danger. But we will be three large and strong men -- Aron, and you, and I. The three of us will be able to see to the safety of Eleazar and your aunt, Juana.'
    Yonah was gratified to be counted as a man by his father.
    It was as if Helkias read his mind. 'I am aware you have taken a man's responsibility, these last years,' he said quietly. 'I want you to know others have observed your character, also. There have been several overtures made to me by fathers of daughters who are ready to stand under the bridal canopy.'
    'Have you spoken of a marriage?' Yonah said.
    'Not yet. Not now. But once we arrive at our new home there will be time to meet the Jews who are there and arrange a fine match. Which I suspect you will welcome.'
    'I shall,' Yonah admitted, and his father laughed.
    'Do you not think I was once young? I remember how it is.'
    'Eleazar will be very jealous. He will want a wife also,' Yonah said, and now they both laughed together.
    'Abba, I am not fearful to go anywhere, so long as

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