The Last Sunday

The Last Sunday by Terry E. Hill Page A

Book: The Last Sunday by Terry E. Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry E. Hill
Tags: Fiction, General, Urban, African American
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men and the women of the media to gasp when she first appeared from behind the doors. The classic lines of the impeccably constructed suit accentuated her full breasts, her perfect hourglass figure, and her long, elegant legs, which were supported by four-inch, red-soled black Prada pumps.
    Samantha took measured, confident steps to the podium as the crowd continued to call for her to look in their direction.
    â€œGood afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,” she finally said over the calls of her name. “Thank you all for joining us on this momentous occasion.” Her pearly smile dazzled the cameras, while her silky black hair danced gently in the summer breeze.
    â€œToday marks the official day of completion of the construction of New Testament Cathedral. What you see behind me is the culmination of five years of sweat, blood, and tears of thousands of workers, innumerable donors, and prayer partners from around the world. Many said it couldn’t be done. ‘Build a forty-five-million-dollar glass cathedral in downtown Los Angeles?’ some skeptics questioned. ‘It can’t be done.’ Well, I’m standing here before you today as proof that with God on your side, you can do anything.”
    The cameras continued to capture every millisecond of Samantha as she spoke. “Not only have we completed this twenty-five-thousand-seat sanctuary, but behind you is the one-hundred-thousand-square-foot media center, where we will be producing Christian television programming and feature-length movies,” she said. Raising her three-layer-deep diamond wrapped wrist, she added, “To your left, you see the campus of New Cathedral College, and to your right are the elementary, middle, and high schools, which will be franchised around the country.”
    Samantha went on to tell of the sacrifices she had had to make over the past five years as the crowd waited patiently for her to mention her dead husband.
    â€œI’ve spent many sleepless nights wondering if I got in over my head on this project. Had I misunderstood God’s plan for my life? Is this the best way to use the vast blessings God has given me? I’m proud to say this afternoon that no, I did not misunderstand God’s plan, and yes, I truly believe this is the best use of the blessings God has given me.”
    Still no mention of her grief. “This Sunday will be the first time the saints will gather in this building for our morning worship service, which will be broadcast live around the world. And, of course, you are all invited.”
    A collective confusion slowly began to creep through the crowd of reporters as they silently wondered, Wasn’t this whole thing Hezekiah Cleaveland’s idea? Others in the crowd thought, but dared not say out loud, What a bitch for taking credit for the work her husband did and not even mentioning the poor bastard.
    â€œThis facility will serve as a beacon of light for wounded souls around the world,” Samantha continued. “The message of God’s love will be beamed from this complex twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and three hundred sixty-five days a year.”
    Samantha knew what they wanted to hear. She was aware they were all salivating in anticipation of her first tear, the first tremble in her voice, and the dramatic clutching of her breast as she relived the pain of her husband’s murder. But she had already decided there would be no dramatic display of emotion on this day.
    â€œSo again I want to thank you all for coming out on this beautiful day,” she said in conclusion, “and sharing in our joy and celebration of the completion of this magnificent complex. I encourage you all to explore the grounds. You have received press kits, which provide more information about the New Testament Cathedral ministry and a detailed description of the facilities. There are docents posted in the buildings who are there to answer any questions you

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