The Last Sunday
won’t mention it. I understand. But I can’t get his face out of my head. Why did he make me do it? I just snapped. I don’t know what happened. He shouldn’t have said those lies about Cynthia. She would never do anything so cruel. She loves Hezekiah and Samantha. This would have never happened if he had just taken the money.”
    Kenneth deposited his shaken passenger at the main entrance of the church. It was 5:10 p.m., and a tide of fleeing employees was streaming from the building.
    â€œAre you going to be all right?” Kenneth asked as Percy exited the car. “Go directly to your office, get your things, and go home. And for God’s sake, don’t talk to anyone.”
    â€œI won’t,” Percy saidr. “But what about the story? If the editor doesn’t hear from Lance, they’ll run it.”
    â€œIt’s too late to worry about that now. It’s out of our hands. We’ll just have to brace ourselves for the worst.”
    Percy’s brow was now damp as he stood at the window, recalling that fateful day. His hands shook nervously in his pockets. Now the throng of sightseers and the scurrying groundskeepers were a source of irritation for him.
    Percy closed his eyes tightly and thought, They wouldn’t be so impressed if they knew how much this place really cost.

Chapter 4
    The television networks of the world were busily preparing themselves for the appearance of Pastor Samantha Cleaveland. It was 12:55 on Tuesday afternoon. Dozens of white, blue, and black vans, with their satellite antennas fully erect, their side doors open, and equipment lights blinking, were lined three deep in front of the steps of New Testament Cathedral. Technicians unfurled electrical cables and mounted cameras on tripods in spots that would give their audiences unobstructed views of the glass podium with twenty microphones attached. National and international news anchors scanned notepads and cleared their throats in preparation for the first press conference held by Samantha since the death of her husband. Throngs of photographers and reporters jockeyed for the best positions in the crowd to hear every word spoken and to capture images of the beautiful woman from every angle.
    The press release, sent only two days earlier to thousands of news outlets, had invited the world’s media to join Samantha on the steps as she announced the official completion of the new cathedral and media center.
    â€œWe are live in Los Angeles, California,” said one anchor to her audience in the United Kingdom. “In just a few moments Pastor Samantha Cleaveland will come through those magnificently etched glass double doors and announce the official completion of what many are saying is one of the most beautiful churches in the world.”
    â€œJust three months earlier Pastor Samantha Cleaveland witnessed the assassination of her husband and the founder of New Testament Cathedral, Pastor Hezekiah Cleaveland,” another reporter said to his camera, which sent the live feed to Australia. “Today this courageous woman is at the helm of one of the sixth wealthiest churches in America.”
    At exactly 1:00 p.m. two imposing men in black suits and sunglasses walked up the stairs to the main entrance and opened the twenty-foot-high glass double doors, revealing Samantha Cleaveland standing in the threshold. The crowd became frantic. A sea of Nikon, Canon, and Olympus cameras with telescopic lenses pointed in her direction and clicked frantically. Lights flashed, and voices from every direction called out, “Samantha, over here!” and “Pastor Cleaveland, could you turn this way please!”
    Samantha gave the ravenous cameras all they craved and more. She allowed them ample time to bask in her presence. Her stunning black Chanel silk skirt and jacket, which had gold twist trim, a V-shaped neckline, and sparkling gold buttons engraved with the iconic CC, caused both the

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