The Legacy of Vashna

The Legacy of Vashna by Joe Dever Page A

Book: The Legacy of Vashna by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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the safety of their leader and hungry for the successful summoning of their banished lord.
    Despite the chill, you tighten your grip on the icy cold Deathstaff and climb the tiers to the top of the dais. You sense that the crystal dais commands the opening and closing of the Shadow Gate, and you know you must try to close the gate before Shamath appears. In frustration, you raise the Deathstaff and bring it crashing down upon the floor of the upper tier, but it does little damage. It could take forever to destroy the dais this way.
    Then a wave of electrical energy crackles around the rim of the great arch and your blood runs cold, for you know that in a dim and distant cavern upon the Plane of Darkness, the Demoness Shamath has just stepped into a Shadow Gate. Her journey to Magnamund has begun!
    Turn to 164 .

    You dig your heels into Bracer's flanks to make him gallop along the track, away from the rocky ledge and the onrushing wall of water which threatens to drown you both. Unfortunately, you have covered no further than a few dozen yards when you are caught and overrun by the raging flood.
    For countless minutes you hurtle along the gully, propelled by the torrential flood waters. Your terrifying experience comes to an end when you are deposited on a tiny island of rock in the centre of the raging flow. A few minutes later you catch sight of Bracer; he is standing on a ridge of high ground near the edge of the gully. He is clearly frightened but he looks to be physically unharmed by his ordeal. You spend a long and miserable night on this rock, waiting for the flood waters to subside. Due to injuries sustained in the flood, you lose 5 ENDURANCE points.
    Turn to 12 .

    You hold the brigand in a vice-tight armlock and demand to know who sent him here to ambush you.
    ‘No one sent me,’ he pleads, ‘no one … no one at all. I was plannin' on robbin' me a few acolytes, that's all. Some of 'em has gold and trinkets that's worth cash in Vakovar. This trail's been good to me. It's netted me some rich pickin's in the past month or so. We weren't after you in partic'lar … No, you jus' happened to come ridin' past, that's all.’
    Your Kai senses inform you that he is speaking the truth. He and his band of robbers have been waylaying Acolytes of Vashna who have travelled this route over the past few weeks. Without slackening your grip, you ask him what he knows about them.
    ‘They been preparin' something, over on the … ’ he says, but he ceases to speak the moment he sees a group of his men emerge from the surrounding pines.
    ‘You're in for it now,’ he hisses. ‘My men are goin' to do for you good an' proper.’
    Another six of the captain's men step from out of the trees and begin to move towards you, their swords held ready to strike. Rather than stay and fight them, you shove the captain away and take to your heels, pausing only to snatch up his satchel as you make your escape.
    Screaming curses and promising you a slow death, the captain scrambles to his feet and leads his men in a chase, but you are soon lost among the dense pines and, reluctantly, he orders his henchmen to give up the pursuit.
    Turn to 247 .

    You don a red robe, taken from one of the dead acolytes, and raise its black hood to keep your face hidden. The folds of this voluminous garment cover your weapons as well as your clothing, and a haversack taken from another acolyte battle-corpse is large enough to conceal your Backpack. Confident that you can pass for one of them, you run to the quayside and join with those acolytes who are now climbing aboard the longboat.
    When your turn comes, you leap from the quay onto the deck of the ship. You land very close to the sandalled feet of one of the three Acolyte Elders and he glares at you angrily, though he does not see through your disguise. You take your place on a bench alongside the others and use your Kai camouflage skills to avoid their attention. You notice that a bank of oars

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