The Legacy of Vashna

The Legacy of Vashna by Joe Dever Page B

Book: The Legacy of Vashna by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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stands upright in the gunwales of the boat, and it strikes you as odd that no order has been given to man them. When the last of the acolytes are safely aboard, you discover why.
    Turn to 93 .

    Drawing on your mastery of psychic defence, you are able to construct a fortress wall around your mind which absorbs the Elder's probe. He learns nothing from his attempt to read your psyche and, rather than admit to failure, he dismisses you as an empty-headed cretin.
    With a growl of disdain, he orders you to rejoin the procession and pushes you out of his way as he strides back to his position beside the altar.
    Turn to 250 .

    The instant you step through the archway you feel an electrifying jolt run through your body, and a writhing snake of blue-white energy arcs from the rim of the arch to the hilt of the sword Helshezag. A gasp of astonishment arises from the acolytes, audible even above the howling wind.
    ‘We have an intruder in our midst,’ screams Cadak, levelling his wizard's staff at you accusingly. You fight the paralysing effect of the current and tug the sword free of its scabbard. For a moment the current weakens as it is absorbed and neutralized by the dark energy of Helshezag, but then the tip of Cadak's staff ignites with a crimson flame and the current intensifies anew, numbing your limbs with its insidious effect.
    Turn to 228 .

    At Shamath's command, the attendants draw slivers of steel and come rushing to hack you down. You essay a wide sweep of the sword and scythe the front rank down as easily as if they were ripened corn. Your sword strokes feel effortless; it is as if you are merely holding the Sommerswerd and the blade itself is fighting of its own accord. Within the space of a few minutes you have slain every last one of Shamath's attendants, over a hundred in number.
    Turn to 242 .

    You are nearing the middle of the river when your acute hearing detects the cawing of birds in the far distance. At first you dismiss the sounds, thinking they are probably birds of prey feeding somewhere high in the mountains, but when the cawing rapidly grows louder you look upwards to try to detect where it is coming from. You do not have to look very far.
    One thousand feet above you, a flock of ugly black birds are cawing excitedly as they ride a thermal air current. You recognize them to be Durncrag Scavengers, cruel predators native only to these mountains. Then, with an awful suddenness, they come diving towards you, screeching like demons as they prepare to strike with beak and claw.

    If you possess Animal Mastery and have reached the rank of Sun Knight or higher, turn to 249 .
    If you do not possess this Discipline, or if you have yet to attain this level of Grand Mastery, turn to 180 .

    You utilize your powers to subdue the growling wolf and immediately he becomes calm and docile. Within a few minutes you exact a transformation that turns this creature from a wild animal into a loyal and friendly ally.
    While you settle down to rest, the wolf watches over you and Bracer, attentively standing guard at the entrance to the mine shaft.
    Restore 3 ENDURANCE points and turn to 279 .

    The great winged beast ekes out its death-throes for several minutes after you strike the fatal blow. Aching with the fatigue of your combat, you stagger away from its carcass and stumble blindly through the fog. Soon you sense the temperature beginning to drop, and the great grey wall of fog gradually condenses and falls as rain. This rain freezes and you quickly find yourself surrounded by a wall of glittering ice which stretches like a range of jagged glass mountains from horizon to horizon.
    Turn to 187 .

    The hollow is damp and draughty and offers poor protection against the elements. There is little foliage on which to feed your mount and the incessant storm winds howl through the gaps in the rocks, making it impossible for you to sleep. During this long and uncomfortable night, unless you possess Grand

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