The Lich

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Book: The Lich by Adventure Time Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adventure Time
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to push through the pain, he ran straight into the Ice King. They tumbled down and landed in a pile of dust.
    ‘Oh my! How clumsy of me,’ said the Ice King.
    ‘What the heck, Ice King?’ Finn asked, shoving him out of the way.
    ‘Hey, wait, you guys,’ the Ice King called. ‘I’m serious about Bubblegum. Look! I wrote her name all over my arms and legs!’ He rolled up his sleeves and lifted his frock to show off his handiwork.
    ‘Yuck!’ said Finn as the Ice King pulled back his robe to reveal his ink-covered legs. They ran down the trail while the Ice King hovered in the air behind them.
    ‘Guys, it’s not fair,’ he whined. ‘She always hangs out with you. And it’s not like you want to marry her.’
    Finn’s cheeks turned red. He picked up a rock and tossed it at the icy monarch.
    ‘Why are you FOLLOWING US? ’ Finn screamed.
    ‘I told you already,’ responded the Ice King. ‘I want your blessing so I can marry Princess Bubblegum!’
    Finn and Jake tried, but they couldn’t outrun the Ice King. Then the king lifted his arms and used his powers to trap them in an ice dome.
    A doorway melted in the ice as the Ice King walked into the dome.
    ‘Come on, you guys. Give me permission to marry her,’ he begged.
    ‘ NO! ’ Finn yelled.
    ‘Come on,’ the Ice King pleaded. ‘If you bless our wedding, then maybe she’ll really love me.’
    Finn held up his gauntlet-covered hand.
    ‘Ice King, go away, man,’ he commanded.
    ‘ I WILL! ’ the Ice King screamed. ‘ WHEN YOU BLESS OUR WEDDING! ’
    ‘No thanks, guy,’ Finn replied.
    Finn held the Gauntlet of the Hero out in front of the king, but nothing happened.
    ‘Huh? How does this gauntlet work?’ Finn wondered.
    Finn smacked the eye on the back of the glove, and a super-strong laser beam shot out of it. He struggled to control the beam as it seared through the ice dome walls.
    ‘Whoa!’ Jake yelled.
    ‘I can’t turn it off!’ Finn cried.
    ‘Punch it in the eye,’ Jake suggested.
    Finn punched the gauntlet’s eye again. It worked. The laser disappeared in a flash.
    ‘Let’s blow this stand!’ Jake yelled as he and Finn escaped through an opening in the ice wall.
    ‘I tried to do this right, but you’ve driven me to this,’ the Ice King snarled. ‘Driven me to bad doing!’

Princess Bubblegum sat in her secret room, snacking on ice-cream and worrying about her friends.
    ‘Oh, Finn and Jake, please be okay,’ she wished out loud. ‘Please be okay…please be okay…please be okay.’
    The princess’s meditations were interrupted when she heard a banging at the window. Someone was trying to sneak into the secret room! It was the Ice King, and he wasn’t going to accept ‘no’ for an answer to his marriage proposal.
    ‘Ice King!’ Bubblegum yelled. ‘Get out of here!’
    ‘I didn’t want to do this,’ the Ice King said as he crawled through the window. ‘But by not blessing our wedding, Finn and Jake have forced me to kidnap you.’
    He sent an icy blast toward the princess. Her feet and arms were soon encased in ice blocks.
    ‘That’s insane!’ cried Princess Bubblegum.
    ‘I know!’ agreed the Ice King, misunderstanding the princess. ‘But I’ll show them. I’LL SHOW THEM HOW THEY’VE HURT US!
    ’ The Ice King grabbed the ice block that surrounded the princess’s wrists and dragged her out of the castle.
    Meanwhile, Finn and Jake had tracked the Lich’s trail of destruction to Iceberg Lake.
    ‘There! Out over the lake!’ Jake said to Finn as he pointed to a black streak of evil darting through the water.
    Suddenly, the Lich rose above the surface, moaning his evil moans and glaring at them.
    ‘After his butt!’ Finn called in an effort to put himself and Jake in a butt-kicking state of mind.
    Jake transformed his body into the shape of a dinghy and Finn climbed aboard. Finn wanted the help Jake move faster, so he placed the gauntlet into the water and stroked its eye.
    ‘Hey, it’s me,’ he said

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