Wait Until Dark
instinctively, she stepped back, breaking the contact. "Another time," she replied, averting her head and taking in the jagged edges of the cliffs that sloped down to the beach. "Today's not the day."
    "When is? Pick it and it's yours."
    "I don't know," she returned pointedly. "I've learned to be cautious when dealing with unfamiliar and dangerous situations. Otherwise things get out of hand. And, as you just said, that can lead to disaster."
    "In certain cases, yes. In others, where the stakes aren't as dire and the possibilities are limitless, the pleasure is well worth the risk." It was clear Nicholas had heard Lindsey's message loud and clear - and that he meant to ignore it.
    She cleared her throat. "Is it always so quiet here?" she blurted, changing the subject abruptly.
    "Nope." He shook his head. "That'll end in a few weeks when vacation season gets under way. Then this area will be crammed with walkers, joggers, sightseers - you name it." A knowing grin. "Why? Looking for safety in numbers? If so, you don't have to wait for Memorial Day to explore the Cliff Walk. There's a two-hour tour given here every morning. We can take it. Although, frankly, I'd rather be your private tour guide. We can explore on our own, going at whatever pace makes you comfortable."
    "You don't let up, do you?"
    "Not when I want something, no."
    Lindsey blew out her breath. "It's a moot point anyway. I'll be tied up with contractors all weekend, remember?"
    "I remember." Nicholas paused, staring out over the water again, his expression nondescript. "Once the renovations get started, you'll be overseeing them, I assume?"
    "Of course. I oversee all my projects. And in this case I own the house I'm restoring. I'll be out here for as much of the work as possible."
    "What about your mother? Will she be driving out with you?"
    "No, she's leaving for Paris in ten days to start the trip of a lifetime. As for me, I've got almost a month of vacation time saved up. I plan to spend it out here."
    "Really?" Nicholas propped his elbows nonchalantly on the fence. "Where will you be staying?"
    Lindsey's shoulders lifted in a shrug. "We passed three or four inns on our way here. Any one of them will do."
    "Not if you haven't made reservations by now, they won't. They'll all be booked for the summer."
    She frowned. "I never thought of that. Fine, I'll stay outside Newport and drive in."
    "You don't have to."
    "Why? Do you have a better suggestion?"
    "Um-hum." He gave her a lazy smile. "My first choice would be to ask you to stay with me. But I suppose that wouldn't fly."
    "No," she retorted, shooting him a sideways look. "It wouldn't."
    "I've got a huge place."
    "One of many, I'm sure."
    "This one's just a ten minute drive from the manor. Or, if you prefer, I've got a yacht right down there." He pointed. "We could use that."
    "I get seasick. And I'm a lousy roommate. I snore."
    Nicholas chuckled. "That I doubt. But, okay, I'll move on to my next suggestion - one I think you'll find more to your liking. You take my house. I'll take the yacht."
    She gave an incredulous laugh. "Just like that."
    "Just like that."
    "That's a very selfless offer. Tell me, how often will you be dropping by, unannounced?"
    Her eyebrows rose. "Why don't I believe that?"
    "Believe it. The house will be yours. No strings." Once again, Nicholas reached out, his knuckles brushing her cheek. Abruptly, he shifted, his thumb tracing the curve of her lips, first in one direction, then the other. The action caught her off guard, and Lindsey felt her body react before she could steel herself.
    Nicholas felt it, too. "I'm not going to manipulate you into bed, Lindsey," he murmured, his gaze darkening as it followed the path of his caress.
    This time Lindsey didn't pull away.
    "If we make love, it will be because you want it as much as I do." He tipped up her chin, slid his palm around to cup the nape of her neck. "Do you believe me?"
    Her nod was shaky.
    "Good." He drew her close,

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