Wait Until Dark
lowered his head, and covered her mouth with his.
    The kiss was electric, and Lindsey felt its effects like a jolt of adrenaline slamming through her system. Nicholas wasn't slow or tentative. His lips opened hers, and his tongue claimed hers in a hot, deep caress that told her exactly what he wanted. Her response came with a will all its own, her hands gripping his lapels as she leaned up, met his kiss head on. He didn't stop until she was kissing him back with the same intensity, until he knew it was her desire and not his seduction that was propelling her.
    Then, he raised his head.
    "Have dinner with me," he demanded, his eyes smoldering.
    Lindsey swallowed, trying to steady her senses. "Just dinner," she qualified. "Then, I'm going back to my hotel - alone. I'm not ready for breakfast."
    "Fair enough. I can wait."
    She searched his face, trying to determine how seriously he was taking her. "I mean it, Nicholas," she said, forcing herself to be honest even if it meant coming across like a sheltered child. "Don't push me. As it is, I'm out of my league."
    An odd expression crossed his face, and Lindsey got the feeling he was struggling with an unexpected conflict. "Funny, I was just thinking the same thing."

    “WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE DIDN'T SELL? You spent the whole damned weekend with her!"
    Stuart Falkner paced across Nicholas's office, regarding his friend with a mixture of incredulity and apprehension.
    "Exactly what I said. She didn't sell." Nicholas leaned back in his leather desk chair, deceptively calm as he fiddled idly with a paper clip. "And I hardly spent the whole weekend with her. Most of the time, she was lining up contractors." He leveled a hard stare at Stuart. "I don't know why you're so stunned. You told me yourself she was dead set on keeping the manor for her mother."
    "Yeah, but you were supposed to seduce that idea right out of her head."
    "No, I was supposed to convince her to sell," Nicholas corrected, his tone as hard as his gaze. "I tried. It didn't work."
    "How could that happen? Did you forget how important this is?"
    "I didn't forget anything. Obviously, you overestimated my powers of persuasion. You also underestimated Lindsey's commitment to her mother. She wants that manor. If I look at it objectively, I can understand why. You should be able to, also. You're trying to protect your family. She's trying to protect hers. Unfortunately, those goals conflict. Someone has to lose."
    "Well, that someone can't be me." Stuart stalked over to the sofa, and dropped onto the cushion. "My mother won't survive."
    "Camille is stronger than you think. You just finished telling me she was well enough to leave Rolling Hills yesterday."
    "That was for a drive. Not to hear news that would tear her apart. She can't handle this, Nick. You've got to do something." Stuart raked frustrated hands through his hair. "When's Lindsey heading back out to Newport?"
    "Her workmen are starting next week. She'll be here then."
    "Did you at least make plans to see her again? Maybe change her mind before it's too late?"
    Nicholas stared at the paper clip he was holding. "Actually, she'll be staying at my place."
    Stuart's head shot up. "What?"
    "Don't get too excited- We won't be roommates. She'll be staying alone. I've been relegated to the yacht."
    "Right." A flicker of hope registered in Stuart's eyes. "That arrangement will last about an hour. Especially after you show up on her - your - doorstep, and pull out all the stops. Taking her out to dinner is one thing. Arranging it so she's sleeping in your bed is another. Even a woman as virtuous as Lindsey Hall won't be able to resist your charms. Not under those circumstances. I don't care what our private investigator's report said about her girl-scout lifestyle. Good. Some cause for hope."
    Nicholas didn't reply.
    "Nick." Stuart gripped his knees, lines of tension tightening his mouth. "Don't let me down. I don't know how you got Lindsey to agree to stay at your place,

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