The Light of His Sword
would protect them, no matter what the

Chapter Four

    Alyssa handed the young man at the gas
station her credit card. He rang up the charge for a tank of gas
and two hundred dollars for the burgundy 1976 Cutlass Supreme that
sat at the side of the building. Alyssa held her breath as he
swiped the card and waited for the approval. Would her
grandmother’s card hold that much money?
    The man smiled and handed her a receipt. He
came around the counter and shook Gabe’s hand, “Good thing you
arrived when you did. I was just about to close up. My boss is
going to be so happy to know I sold the car. There’s a spare tire
and some jump cables in the trunk. Don’t push it over fifty-five
miles per hour for more than 30 minutes at a time or it will
overheat. It’s also due for an oil change.”
    They headed to the car and Gabe lowered
Samantha onto the back seat, covering her with a blanket. Alyssa
gazed at the cutlass. It was beautiful. A small portion at the back
of the roof was white; it wrapped around the rear window. The rear
tires were hiked up slightly giving it sporty look. Inside the
bucket seats had a burgundy fabric that was soft and warm to the
touch. She climbed into the passenger seat. Gabe slid behind the
wheel. The car held the smoky scent of old cigarettes. Samantha
didn’t stir as Gabe turned the key of the ignition. The car started
without hesitation, but the engine ran roughly.
    Gabe flashed Alyssa a smile and said, “Cross
your fingers; we’ve got at least two days of hard travel to get to
your grandmothers. Given the fact that we’ve lost so much time
because of the moose, I think we should drive through the night. We
should shoot down to Utah then head east toward Colorado. If we
drive straight through we’ll reach Kansas and Missouri by tomorrow
night. We can spend the night outside of St Louis, and then it’s
only a half day to Indiana from there. Why don’t you try to get
some sleep? I’ll wake you in the morning. Once we’re past Denver,
you can drive. It’s a straight shot all the way to Kansas. You
won’t have any trouble driving, and I can get some sleep.”
    The dark and ominous drive across the
mountains in the dead of night frightened Alyssa. The twists and
turns up the steep slopes sent chills through her each time she
caught a glimpse of a steep cliff beside them. Gabe drove swiftly
without hesitation. The snow began to fall, and the temperature
dropped below zero. Alyssa shivered at the thought of trying to
drive on the snow covered roads. She was grateful Gabe was behind
the wheel. She leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes,
trusting the road to Gabe.
    However, sleep would not come. She shifted
from side to side. She leaned against the door, but it was too
hard. No matter what she tried, she couldn’t fall asleep.
    “The back seat might be more comfortable, if
Samantha is willing to share.” Gabe offered.
    Alyssa glanced at the back seat; Samantha
slept soundly curled up under her soft blanket. Her little face was
so calm and relaxed. The sight of her daughter sleeping safe and
sound warmed Alyssa’s heart. She sighed as a bit of the stress and
fear she’d lived with for so long began to slip away.
    She turned around and leaned back into the
seat gazing out the window into the darkness. “I know we aren’t out
of danger yet, but this is the safest I’ve felt for a very long
time.” She turned to gaze at Gabe, “Thank you for helping us.”
    “I don’t need your thanks, Alyssa.” Gabe
said softly, his eyes meeting hers for one brief electric
    “What do you want?” Alyssa found
herself daring to ask as her pulse quickened with dread.
    “Believe it or not Alyssa, some people do
just want to do the right thing.” Gabe answered, turning back to
the road. “If you feel you owe me something, then offer me your
friendship and we’ll call it even.”
    “I’ve never been friends with a man before.”
Alyssa turned and gazed back into

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