The Lost Throne
crimes and crossed foreign borders.
    He wasn’t sure about specifics, but he didn’t plan on leaving until he figured it out.


    Küsendorf, Switzerland (82 miles southeast of Bern)

    C linging to the southern slopes of the Lepontine Alps, Küsendorf is a village of nearly 2,000 people in Ticino, the southernmost canton (or state) in Switzerland. Known for its scenic views and local brand of Swiss cheese, Küsendorf is the home of the Ulster Archives, the finest private collection of documents and antiquities in the world.
    Built as a temporary haven for Austrian philanthropist Conrad Ulster, the Archives Building eventually became his permanent residence. During the early 1930s, Ulster, an avid collector of rare artifacts, sensed the political instability in his country and realized there was a good chance that his prized library would be seized by the Nazis. To protect himself and his books, he smuggled his collection across the Swiss border in railcars, hidden under thin layers of brown coal, and kept out of public view until after World War II. He died in 1964 but expressed his thanks to the people of Switzerland by donating his estate to his adopted hometown—provided they kept his collection intact and accessible to the world’s best academic minds.
    For the past decade, the Archives had been run by his grandson Petr Ulster, who had been forced to rebuild several floors after religious zealots tried to burn the place to the ground. Their goal was to destroy ancient documents that threatened the foundation of the Catholic Church.
    Thankfully, the attack failed, thwarted by two men whom Petr considered heroes.
    Jonathon Payne and David Jones.

    U lster heard the ringing of his private line and lumbered across his office to answer it. He was a round man in his early forties with a thick brown beard that covered his multiple chins. Yet he came across as boylike, because of the twinkle in his eye and his enthusiasm for life.
    “Hello,” he said with a faint Swiss accent. “This is Petr.”
    “Hello, Petr. This is Jon.”
    Ulster broke into a broad smile. “Jonathon! How glorious it is to hear your voice. I’ve been thinking of you all day!”
    “You have?”
    “Indeed I have! Didn’t you get my message?”
    Payne furrowed his brow. “What message?”
    “The one I left at your home. Isn’t that why you’re calling?”
    “Actually, I’m on the road right now. I’m calling because you called my cell phone.”
    Ulster nodded. “Don’t be upset with me, Jonathon, but I gave your number to a colleague of mine. He needs to chat with you right away and hasn’t had much luck. That’s why I called—to help you two connect.”
    “Why didn’t you leave a message?”
    “Because I already left one at your house. You know how I hate redundancy.”
    Payne paused, thinking things through.
    Everything that Ulster said fit the facts. He was the one who called at 9:14. He had given Payne’s number to the mystery caller. That meant the –
—the syllable that could be heard in the first message—referred to Ulst
. Or Pet
Either way, that issue was solved.
    However, one thing remained unclear. What did the caller want?
    “Jonathon, is something wrong? You don’t seem happy with me.” Ulster leaned back in his leather chair, which groaned under his weight. “Did I overstep my bounds by giving out your number? If so, please forgive me.”
    “Petr, it’s fine. I’m not mad. Just worried.”
    “Worried? About what?”
    “Your colleague. What did he want from me?”
    “Your advice.”
? On what?”
    Ulster lowered his voice to a whisper. “Smuggling.”
    “Smuggling?” Payne asked, surprised. “What do I know about smuggling?”
    “Come now, Jonathon. I know all about your former career, sneaking behind enemy lines and strangling men in their sleep. Remember, I saw you in action when you protected the Archives.”
is much different from

    “Maybe so,

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