The Mighty Quinns: Devin

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Book: The Mighty Quinns: Devin by Kate Hoffmann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Hoffmann
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lot of files left in your father’s desk, though,” Mary said. “You should probably go through those and see if there’s anything important.”
    â€œI will,” Elodie said. She sat down in the battered leather chair behind the desk, then slowly turned it in a complete circle. “Just another thing to add to my list.”
    â€œMaybe I should start coming an hour earlier,” Mary said.
    â€œNo,” Elodie replied. “Mary, I can’t afford to pay you for the time you’re already putting in.”
    â€œYou don’t have to—”
    â€œYes, I do. A few hours a day is fine. But you’ve been spending your entire day here.”
    â€œWhen you sell the house, you can pay me,” Mary said. “Or not. I just want to help out.”
    Elodie pushed out of the chair and crossed the room to Mary. She looped her arm though the older woman’s, then drew her along to the door. “Why don’t we take a break and have some sweet tea and a few of those cookies you brought me.”
    As they walked back through the house, Elodie made a mental note to talk to Dev about his mother’s determination to resume her old duties. As much as her help was appreciated, Elodie was in no position to pay her. Maybe Dev could convince her to stay home.
    She wondered if she ought to call him. He’d called her last night and again early this morning, but he hadn’t suggested they get together. Perhaps he regretted what had happened that first night. If people in town found out they were involved in a sexual relationship, it could mean trouble—for both of them.
    If he’d decided to stay away, she had to trust that Dev knew what was best. But that didn’t mean she had to like it.
    * * *
    I T WAS D EV ’ S favorite time of day, when most of the citizens of Winchester were through with their supper and settling in for the evening, maybe watching a ball game, maybe relaxing on the porch as they searched for a cool breeze or the scent of rain.
    His shift was over at 10:00 p.m., and as he got closer to that time, his mind was increasingly occupied with thoughts of Elodie. He’d made a point to stay away from the mansion on Wisteria Street at night, knowing that the temptations there were just too great to deny. But he had checked in with her, and she seemed to be busy working on the house.
    He had the day off tomorrow and had decided to find a way to spend it with Elodie. He could help with some of the work around the house, maybe do some painting or clean up the brush in the old gardens.
    Just the thought of returning to her orbit made him a bit uneasy. It took all his strength to keep from touching her, and his mind was constantly filled with seductive images of their intimate encounter on her porch. It seemed like a dream, he mused. As if he’d somehow imagined it. Would it happen again? Could he make it happen again? Should he?
    He kept telling himself that caution was the key, and he hoped going over there during the day would keep him from kissing her and hauling her off to the bedroom. There were more excuses during daylight hours.
    Dev glanced at the clock on the dash, then pulled the cruiser over to the curb in front of Zelda’s. A cup of coffee should give him enough energy to finish off his shift. But he knew he was in for another restless night. He hadn’t slept well since Elodie had arrived in town, and he didn’t expect that would change anytime soon.
    The café was almost empty when he stepped inside. He slid onto a stool at the counter, then fixed his eyes on the refrigerated case next to the cash register. A few seconds later, Joanie walked up, the coffeepot in her hand. She flipped a cup over in a saucer and poured.
    â€œQuiet night?” she asked.
    â€œYeah. I’ll take a slice of that cherry pie, please.”
    â€œIce cream?”
    â€œSure, why not,” Dev said.
    She set the pie in front of him, then

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