The Millionaire’s Ultimate Catch

The Millionaire’s Ultimate Catch by Michelle Monkou

Book: The Millionaire’s Ultimate Catch by Michelle Monkou Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Monkou
Tags: Fiction
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followed her instinct to give Chantelle her private cell number. She might not know Seattle, but she’d find her if another emergency arose. Zack had followed his father out of the dining room. Naomi could only assume that an intense conversation was about to take place between the two men.
    A soft sound near her broke her out of her musings.She opened her eyes and turned to see Zack easing himself into the love seat next to her.
    “Sorry. I tried to let you sleep.”
    “I wasn’t sleeping. Letting my mind get quiet.”
    “Do you meditate?”
    “Not formally. I do like sitting in a quiet room and allowing my thoughts to flow uninhibited. It frees me. It’s kinda hard to explain. And you?”
    “I’ve studied various meditating techniques. Helps with my migraines.” His phone buzzed at his hip. “Excuse me.” He looked at the number displayed, but didn’t answer the call. A scowl settled over his face.
    “Yeah. It’s nothing,” he said dismissively.
    She’d beg to differ but didn’t think he wanted her assessment, no matter how accurate.
    Zack returned the cell phone to his hip. Then he looked up at her. “You know, you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”
    His flat, matter-of-fact sentiment caught her by surprise. She sat up despite her body’s protest. Where did this change come from? Unless she’d managed to let her silly imagination run earlier when he’d asked her to stay. Now he’d turned into a cool, crafty persona.
    “Do you want me to stay?” Why did his opinion matter? But she couldn’t stop herself from asking.
    “I don’t live here.”
    “What does that mean? If you lived here, you’d have something to say about me staying here?”
    She gave a short laugh. “Oh, man, you are pretty accurate with your razor-sharp honesty.”
    Zack shrugged.
    “If you lived here, what would you say?” Naomi pushed. Her irritation was building to anger.
    “I’d say that you had to leave.”
    Naomi pushed up out of the chair. Pain be damned. “Why?”
    He shrugged.
    Naomi walked over to where he sat on the love seat. She leaned over, her anger escalating like a pot on the boil. His bland gaze didn’t help her disposition.
    “Have you changed your mind?” he asked.
    “Changed my mind about what?”
    “About staying.” Then he grinned.
    Naomi pulled up. Guess she had changed her mind. But there was a smug tug at his lips that caused her to frown. What was he playing at?
    “I suspected that if I said that you had to do one thing, you’d pick the opposite. I don’t know if it’s a natural trait to be stubborn or you’ve saved that up for me. So when I suggested that you stay, you said no. When I said you should go, then you said you’re staying.”
    “You…you think too much of yourself.” He did manage to irritate her quite a bit.
    “No, I recognize a kindred spirit when I see one.”
    “You must not have a lot of friends.”
    “Actually, I’m very selective with those around me,” Zack explained. “You, for instance, I like you around me, and my family. I think you would be a good influence on Chantelle.”
    “You barely know me.”
    “Something that could be rectified if you chose to relax and spend a few days here. If you invited me to benefit from your hospitality, I wouldn’t object.”
    She didn’t doubt that he wouldn’t object. His relaxedpose against the love seat with one arm casually resting on the back of the seat invited her.
    She could see herself sitting next to him, curled against his body, inhaling his expensive cologne while admiring his strong jawline as he uttered his sarcastic views on life. Really, she was the one who wouldn’t object. The man had sex appeal for days. She had the appetite to appreciate its effect.
    If she attached a calorie count to the overall visual stimulation, she’d have to check herself into a weight-management program. Despite his height and muscular frame, he moved with a casual elegance.

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