The Naked Prince
best pay attention to what was happening on the other side of the curtain. He moved his lips to Miss Atworthy’s ear. “I think we’re about to have company.”
    â€œWha—” She stopped, then stretched to whisper in his ear, “Who?”
    He almost missed her question, he was so entranced by the feel of her body moving against his. “I don’t . . . ah.”
    The newcomers’ identities required no guesswork.
    â€œI don’t see why I have to sneak around my own house, Alice,” Lord Greyham said in a conversational, if highly annoyed and drunken, tone.
    â€œShh, Hugh. It’s almost midnight. Maria and Mr. Parker-Roth should be down at any moment. We don’t want them to know we’re here.”
    Maria? What was this? Perhaps he’d finally learn the widow’s plan.
    â€œI thought they wanted us here.” Greyham had dropped his voice slightly.
    â€œMaria does.” Lady Greyham whispered loudly. “But we’ll be a surprise for Mr. Parker-Roth.”
    â€œAn unpleasant one.” There was the sound of a stopper coming out of a brandy decanter. “No sensible man wants an audience for his proposal, Alice. And why he’d want to come down to the library when he could pop the question in a more comfortable, private location like a bedchamber is beyond me. I imagine he’s already in Maria’s bed.”
    â€œPour me some brandy, too, will you?” There was the sound of liquid splashing into two glasses. “You’re acting just like a man, Hugh. This will be far more amusing.”
    â€œAmusing for whom? Not Parker-Roth.” Greyham’s voice slid into a leer. “And of course I’m acting like a man. I am a man, Alice. I’ll be happy to give you another, even more forceful demonstration of that fact if it’s slipped your mind.”
    Miss Atworthy made a small sound of distress, and Damian pulled her tighter against him. Fortunately, he’d turned slightly, so she was against his side. She didn’t need to have a close encounter with his male organ.
    â€œReally, Hugh, you are impossible. Just think how romantic it would be to become betrothed in the first moments of Valentine’s Day.”
    Greyham snorted. “It certainly can’t be romantic to have your host and hostess leap up to shout congratulations. I tell you, Parker-Roth can just as easily—far more easily—become betrothed in a nice warm bed and seal his troth with a long, thorough, sweaty bit of lovemaking.”
    â€œOh, pish. I think you must not have a single romantic bone in your body.”
    â€œI do have a suddenly bonelike appendage that’s very eager to show you how romantic I can be.”
    Lady Greyham giggled amid sounds of a scuffle. “Mmm. Behave yourself, my lord.”
    â€œI thought I was behaving myself.”
    More giggling.
    â€œStop, Hugh.” Lady Greyham sounded rather breathless. “We have to hide. I promised Maria.”
    Greyham sighed. “Very well. Shall we conceal ourselves behind the curtains?”
    Miss Atworthy sucked in a small breath and her grip on Damian tightened. It would get rather crowded if the Greyhams chose this spot to secret themselves.
    â€œNo, I have a better idea,” Lady Greyham said. “See, this couch is turned so if we lie on it, we’ll be hidden from anyone coming in the door.”
    â€œWhat? You think I can’t satisfy you standing up? I’ll be happy to show you that you are mistaken.”
    Lady Greyham giggled some more. “But then we’ll make the curtains move. You know I can never hold still.”
    â€œAnd you can never be quiet either, can you?”
    â€œI’ll try.”
    Her accompanying shriek didn’t speak well for her success nor did the groaning couch springs.
    Frankly they were making enough noise to alert all but the deaf to their presence, but Damian couldn’t leave anything to

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