The Nemesis Blade
Maximillian Dalrish, Peacekeeper of Xen
III. Welcome.”
    “I am Tristan
Skyler Valla, this is my cousin Teroux and this is Tianoman. Thank
you for your kind reception of uninvited guests.”
    “The Vallas
will always be welcome here, Tristan. You are Samuel’s son, am I
    Le Maximillian
was about fifty and possessed the dark Dalrish hair, undimmed by
grey, and the bluest eyes any had yet seen in a man’s face. He was
dressed casually in a woven robe, comfortable slippers on his
    “Samuel is my
father, yes.”
    “And your
father was Tannil, the Vallorin,” Le Maximillian said to
Teroux murmured.
    “And you are
Tymall’s boy.”
    Tianoman gave
a mocking bow. “Unfortunately.”
    Le Maximillian
shook his head. “Do not put yourself down, Tianoman. Your father
was an incredible man, and Torrullin, bless him, loved him
    “Ah, we know
who and what Tymall was, but you should know he was not all said
about him.” The Peacekeeper’s eyes narrowed. “Forgive my
impertinence, but you should speak to your grandfather about your
father, and not rely on tales alone.”
swallowed and bowed again.
    “So much for
that. Please, enter my private domain. Here I hide from the trials
of family.”
stood aside and the three entered the warm, inviting chamber. He
then indicated the armchairs grouped around the fireplace and
offered drinks. They declined and he sat among them.
    “What is it I
can do for you?”
    “Le Maxi …”
Tristan began.
    “Max. We’re
trying to find someone and thought the Dalrish may have
    “Caballa of
the Valleur. She is a seer …”
    “We know
Caballa well,” Max smiled. “A great lady. Why do you seek her?”
answered. “We believe she could aid Torrullin in some new puzzle he
is involved in.”
    “Is he aware
of your quest?”
    “No,” Tristan
    Max glanced
among the three and then, “Are the Elders aware of this
rubbed his chin. “No.”
    “Ah. Three
grandsons try to help a grandfather, is that it?”
    “That’s about
right,” Tristan sighed.
    Max stared
into the fire. “As a grandfather myself I must tell you I think
going off without telling anyone is foolhardy, and as Peacekeeper I
must say it is particularly dangerous for you three. There are
forces out there that would like nothing better than to hold
Torrullin hostage to ransom using the Valla heirs. But as a family
man I can do no other than to extend what aid I have.”
    “Thank you,”
Tristan murmured.
    Max raised a
hand. “You misunderstand. I cannot allow you to bounce around the
universe without protection and I will not keep your quest to
    “I knew this
was a bad idea,” Tianoman said.
    “Quiet, Tian,”
Teroux muttered.
    Tristan was
calm. “We cannot go back to Valaris. We need to find Caballa
    “And I know
how stubborn young men are, yes. I shall inform the Elders of your
whereabouts, while extending you and them Dalrish protection. You
may search for Caballa all you want, but you do it from here.”
    “Max, please
    “You three
have overlooked something vital,” Max interrupted. “More than one
thing actually. First, if I allow you the freedom you obviously
grabbed on the sly, I would spark a confrontation with Torrullin.
Bad for Xen, worse for me. Second, Caballa is a farspeaker. You do
not need to run after her; all you need are other farspeakers.
    He sat back
with a satisfied air as the three gaped at him.
snorted. “Tris, we are farspeakers. We could’ve done this
from Valaris.”
    Max lifted a
brow. “Sounds as if you do not need me.”
relaxed in his seat. “It would depend on how far away Caballa is
and whether she chooses to answer a summons. We could reach out,
true, but how far will that go? Is she within calling
    “You require a
chain,” Max murmured.

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