The Obsidian Dagger
the others. Its body was muscular and was frighteningly like a lion’s all the way down to the golden pelt that covered it. Its back legs were even more lion-like. It was the most frightening thing either of the O’Neal kids had ever seen, or heard of, for that matter.
    â€œI think that’s our answer,” he said, swallowing down the lump in his throat.
    They hunkered down behind the building, but neither could stop watching the horrific scene. The creature hovered over the town by flapping its wings. It created such a vortex of wind that it reminded Brendan of the horrific tornado videos he had seen online. The beast swooped down and swiped a huge claw at a group of scampering little people. They ran, but the creature was faster. It’s claw tore through a handful of the frightened people tearing them to bits and causing them to shatter into a burst of sparks. Six others barely evaded the beast’s bloodthirsty attack.
    The entire scene was so sickening and brutal. Brendan and Lizzie clung to each other and more than one silent prayer was uttered between the pair. These small people were being slaughtered. The creature dove over and over again leaving havoc in its wake. The people scampered to sometimes-useless hiding places only to be murdered in mid-scream. The beast rose again and this time its piercing eyes fixated on one target. It pulled at the air and shot like a bullet at this one little person. The man held his ground and raised his hands. They began to glow a bright orange but the creature was on him in the blink of an eye. Brendan cringed expecting to see the little man blasted to dust, but the creature merely snatched him up and began to depart.
    â€œNoooooooo!” screamed Dorian running to the spot where the little man had been. She dropped to the ground and reached into the air after the beast and his captive. Her eyes were leaking out tears and her face was that of sheer anguish. Silence was all around them.

    Chapter 5
    The Quest
    The creature was long gone before Lizzie could find her voice. “Oh my gosh.”
    The reaction was so slow only because the situation was so unbelievable. Should she scream? Should she run? Should she go have a psychological evaluation? Maybe, she thought.
    The little people began to crowd around Dorian and lament their dead. Their faces and haunting songs told the story. They were terrified and confused and for some reason they were all looking to Dorian. Were they seeking comfort or direction? Lizzie was surprised that the young girl, even though Dorian was at least as old as Brendan, was what was holding these people together. She was even more surprised when Brendan stepped around her and walked over to where Dorian was and put his hand on her shoulder. The little people backed away quickly with cautious eyes on the stranger.
    Lizzie jumped up and followed her big brother into the midst of the group. “Wait up.” The little people backed away a few inches more and didn’t appear to know how to handle the entire crazy situation.
    â€œDorian,” Brendan said softly.
    Dorian slowly lifted her face from the palms of her hands. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were flushed. “What are you doing here?” she asked in a voice that was just above a whisper.
    â€œI…” Brendan struggled to complete the sentence. “I was going to ask you the same question.”
    Dorian’s brow knitted closely together as she got to her feet. “I live here.” She wiped the wetness from her cheeks and looked in the direction that the creature had flown.
    â€œWhat just happened?”
    Dorian swiped her nose on her sleeve and said, “A griffin has taken him. That’s what happened.”
    â€œWho?” asked Lizzie.
    Dorian walked down the center of town. “My father.”
    Lizzie and Brendan exchanged confused looks. Brendan jogged a few steps to catch up to Dorian. “Your father?

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