The Owned Girl

The Owned Girl by Dominic Ridler Page B

Book: The Owned Girl by Dominic Ridler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dominic Ridler
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica
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the pain she had endured.

Chapter Four

        It was her blog that brought about the first introduction of a fourth party into our little world (not counting Brian, of course). One of Beth's readers was a girl who lived in San Francisco. She too was submissive, and we gathered she had some kind of relationship with a man, which did not however prevent her from engaging with other like-minded folk. Soon she and Beth were firm friends, exchanging emails regularly and comparing experiences. This girl, I'll call her Miranda, had a little more experience than Beth of dominant men, though not much. She told Beth she liked dressing up as a little girl, liked to be spanked and tied up.
        Beth told us about Miranda and what a great girl she was, and Matthew suggested that Beth invite her to New York. Matthew said that if she couldn't afford a hotel that we could put her up for a day or two in our apartment. It was agreed that Miranda would come to stay for a weekend in two weeks time.
        I don't think there was any clear agenda, but given that Miranda knew all about our relationship with Beth, and given that Miranda was inclined towards submissiveness too, it seemed possible that there might be a certain amount of play. But there was no discussion with Beth prior to the visit. Miranda, after all, wasn't coming to see us, but to see Beth; we were offering her hospitality solely as a favour to our owned girl.
        Miranda turned out to be a bouncy, bubbly girl about Beth's age, on the same wavelength sexually but very different physically. Whereas Beth is tall and slender and blonde, Miranda proved to be short and dark and curvy. Beth brought her round on the Friday evening, not long after she had arrived from San Francisco. We all had some drinks and Miranda soon got us laughing. She was a smart girl, very articulate. We went out to dinner and had a few more drinks. It was apparent that Beth and Miranda were attracted to each other, not just as kindred souls but as two highly sexual young girls in a hothouse atmosphere where, in theory, anything was possible.
        Beth, however, had to get back that evening for some family function, so Matthew and I took Miranda home with us. We sat and talked for ages. Miranda had what seemed to us a curious history. She was married to a man who was totally vanilla. Intellectually he understood her need to be spanked, but he had no interest in it for himself. She told us how she had tried to convert him, but that it was hopeless. This didn't surprise me; it's my firm belief that you cannot put kink into a man if it's not there in the first place. You can bring out what's latent, even things he doesn't know are there. But if he's not wired to dominate in the bedroom it's useless to try to turn him.
        Miranda had reluctantly come to the same conclusion. So what was to be done? She didn't want to leave her husband, whom she loved very much, nor did she want to deny herself the right to sexual fulfilment. After a lot of lengthy discussions they both agreed that on an occasional basis she be allowed to seek out other men to satisfy her need for submission. So far she had done this with only a couple of men with mixed results. But it was clearly important to her that her husband was still willing to allow her to engage with other people. Such tolerance and understanding are very rare, in my experience.
        Miranda was tired after her plane trip and so she went to bed. The next day the four of us went out, doing a little shopping, walking in the park, having lunch. Matthew and I went to a movie together while the two girls went off on their own. We met back at our flat, where I cooked dinner for us all. After dinner we went into the sitting room. Beth knelt at Matthew's feet while he stroked her hair and the back of her neck. Miranda sat on the sofa with me.
        'Do you think Beth is pretty?' Matthew asked Miranda.
        'She's gorgeous,' Miranda

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