The Owned Girl

The Owned Girl by Dominic Ridler

Book: The Owned Girl by Dominic Ridler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dominic Ridler
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica
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bead of perspiration from her brow.
        'No, please,' she said quickly. 'I'll be brave.'
        Matthew took another sip of his wine. 'Hmmm,' he said. 'I'm not sure. What do you think, Annabel?'
        He knew I'd say to take them off. Clearly he had decided it was time.
        'I think perhaps she's learned the lesson you wanted to teach her,' I said.
        'Very well,' he said. He put down his glass and reached out for the clamps, removing them in a swift, efficient movement. Even so, Beth screamed with pain, and then began to sob.
        'Poor girl,' said Matthew. 'Are your nipples dreadfully sore? Annabel will kiss them better for you.'
        I bent over her and suckled each of her nipples in turn. They felt almost hot to the touch as the blood rushed in. Beth ceased sobbing. I wiped her tears away. 'You're a good girl,' I said.
        Not long after she became owned, Beth started to write a blog. She said that what was happening to her was so momentous that she needed to write about it, so she could understand it and absorb it all. Looking back, I can see that there was a further motivation. Beth wanted people to know about her, she wanted to get their attention. I saw how eagerly she looked for comments once the blog was begun, how pleased she was when readers praised her insights and her turns of phrase.
        She liked to write, I knew that, and she felt she did it well. Of course it was written anonymously, under the name of Nefertiti. I don't know why she chose that; I think she just liked the sound of it. She knew that Matthew and I would read it. I think anyone who writes a blog under a pseudonym imagines that this will liberate them to write freely and fearlessly. But they soon find that if the blog is read by anyone who knows them, they can't actually write exactly what they please. Their friends or lovers who are reading have feelings, things they are sensitive about, and the blogger has to take account of that. So I am sure that although Beth's blog contained her private thoughts, it was written very much in the knowledge that her owners would read it. In a sense it was for our consumption. I think from time to time she said things on the blog she wanted us to know but didn't feel able to discuss with us directly.
        The blog soon found a readership. Not only was it literate and intelligent, it was sexually arousing to those of a kinky disposition. People liked to read about Beth's training, about her occasional punishments, her difficulties sometimes in accepting her role of an owned girl. Blogs written by submissive girls were becoming common, but Beth's blog was a bit different, since she was submissive not simply to a single Dom but to a married couple. That gave it an extra frisson.
        Eventually, this blog was discontinued (although subsequently Beth started another one, after she left us). I regret that I did not save the text. It would certainly be helpful to me in constructing this memoir if I could read once again what Beth thought about things at the time. But I will try to give the flavour of it by attempting to reproduce an entry or two. One day, I remember, she wrote something that went like this:
        "My owner texted me today, saying that I still have some resistance, and that this needs to be addressed. [She never used our names; Matthew was 'my owner' and I was 'my lady owner'.] When I read this I was distressed. Why did he not tell me this last night, when I visited with them? Why could he not explain to my face what the problem was? Then perhaps I could have understood, and maybe I would have had some things to say in my defence. But a text is a curt kind of communication, and there's no real chance for me to respond.
         "What is the problem? I have done my best. I freely accept their ownership of me. I obey their commands. They use me as they please, and I always try to be happy around them. But still it seems they are not satisfied. I have

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