The Party Boy's Guide to Dating a Geek (Clumsy Cupids)

The Party Boy's Guide to Dating a Geek (Clumsy Cupids) by Xara X. Piper;Xanakas Vaughn Page A

Book: The Party Boy's Guide to Dating a Geek (Clumsy Cupids) by Xara X. Piper;Xanakas Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Xara X. Piper;Xanakas Vaughn
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    better forget about it for now. I'll ask Mari some
    other time." He shrugged, hoping Fee would take
    the hint and drop the inquisition.
    uncomfortable." Fee turned to walk away.
    "Wait," Ash said. "I'm sorry. You didn't."
    Fee stopped and smiled, and Ash decided he
    could get used to seeing that.
    "I was just caught off guard," Ash continued.
    "That's all. I didn't mean for you to take time away
    from your party."
    It was Fee's turn to shrug. "It was breaking up
    anyway. Just down to a couple of guys who had a
    few too many to leave yet." He nodded to the guys
    still in the water and Jack nodded back. Fee
    motioned toward the table with his cake, and Ash
    followed him as he led the way. The older lady
    was checking her cell phone as they approached.
    "Ash, this is my mom, Pilar."
    "Oh." Ash wiped his hand on his leg and then
    held it out. "I'm Ash. Jack's brother. It's nice to
    meet you."
    She stood up and flicked a glance at Fee before
    smiling at Ash. "It's nice to meet you." She shook
    his hand and turned her attention back to Fee. "I'm
    sorry, mijo . I really need to go. He's called three
    times already."
    Fee's expression closed. "Okay. Thanks for
    coming." He hugged her. She only came up to his
    chin, and Fee bent down to kiss her cheek. She
    whispered in Fee's ear, and Ash tried not to listen,
    but it was unavoidable at the close range.
    "Just give him a little more time. He'll come
    around." She stepped back and put her hands on his
    cheeks. "He will."
    Fee put his hands over hers and nodded. "I love
    you, Mom," he said before giving her a kiss to her
    Ash shifted his balance between his feet as he
    stood there. His family hugged on holidays and
    special occasions, but they'd never been the
    touchy-feely type. There wasn't any question of
    love in his family; they just rarely showed it
    physically. Seeing Fee's closeness with his mother
    made Ash oddly nervous. Fee must have noticed
    because he took another step back and looked at
    "I'll be right back," Fee said.
    Ash nodded and sat at the table. He admired
    Fee's ass as he walked his mother out. Mari
    stepped up and bumped his arm. "Take a breath
    before you pass out."
    "Sorry. I shouldn't have come."
    "Like you would have stayed away." Mari
    "This was a mistake," Ash said, shaking his
    head. "I think I should leave."
    "Don't be silly. You're here now, so you might
    as well have some cake." Mari cut a piece out of
    the middle and pushed the plate toward Ash. He
    took a bite and leaned back in his chair.
    Fee walked back in through the gate and stopped
    when the guys from the pool walked up. Jack was
    standing behind them, one arm around each of
    them. They exchanged some words and Fee
    nodded. He shook their hands, and Jack looked
    over to Mari.
    She sighed. "We'll be back in a bit. Can you
    keep an eye on things here for us?"
    "Uh, sure?"
    "Thanks." She jogged to catch up with the guys,
    stopping to give Fee a hug before leaving. Fee
    smiled and came over to take Mari's seat at the
    "Jack's driving them home in their car, and she's
    going to follow in his truck," Fee said.
    "Oh." Ash said, glancing back at the gate. Now
    that he was alone with Fee, he felt shy. "Happy
    "Thanks." Fee appeared just as nervous as Ash.
    He nibbled on his bottom lip. Ash wanted to say
    something to break the ice, but he couldn't seem to
    come up with anything clever. Fee exhaled and
    looked at Ash through his bangs. "Thanks for
    stopping by. It's good to see you again."
    "It is?" Ash asked. His heart jumped. "I thought
    you'd be pissed."
    "Why?" Fee's eyebrows knitted together.
    "You didn't seem to like me very much at your
    book club meeting."
    Fee shrugged. "It was a bad night for everyone
    "I was kind of an asshole, just showing up like
    "And Donovan gave it right back to you."
    "Still. I shouldn't have crashed your club," Ash
    Fee looked around and cleared his

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