The Party Boy's Guide to Dating a Geek (Clumsy Cupids)

The Party Boy's Guide to Dating a Geek (Clumsy Cupids) by Xara X. Piper;Xanakas Vaughn Page B

Book: The Party Boy's Guide to Dating a Geek (Clumsy Cupids) by Xara X. Piper;Xanakas Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Xara X. Piper;Xanakas Vaughn
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throat. "So,
    are you really interested in buying a new
    "Yeah. Kind of, anyway. I need to get my
    portfolio organized."
    "Cool. Do you design on it, too?"
    Ash shook his head. "No, I've only worked
    "What about a tablet with a drawing program?
    You can carry it with you and upload your designs
    when you get home."
    "I hadn't thought about that."
    "Just a suggestion." Fee nibbled on his lip again.
    Ash reached into the cooler to keep himself
    from grabbing Fee and doing a little nibbling
    himself. "Aren't they super-expensive?"
    Fee shrugged. "Depends on what you get. If you
    like, I can help you find something in your budget."
    "That'd be great," Ash said. He'd agree to watch
    Fee type the phone book if it meant spending more
    time with him.
    "So what's after the apprenticeship?" Fee asked.
    "Jack said you're nearly through with it. What
    happens next?"
    "Oh. Ty and I are going to open a shop. We've
    got some money saved, but it's probably going to
    take a while. Until then, Tank says we can stay on
    at The Ink Tank."
    "That's cool."
    "What about you?" Ash asked. "Is there some
    next step in the IT world?"
    "Nah, just another job. Building more servers. I
    do it so I can keep playing with the latest and
    greatest toys," Fee said with a smile. "Don't tell
    my boss," he added in a whisper.
    Ash laughed. "Promise."
    The smile he got from Fee had him mentally
    checking his calendar to figure out his next day off.
    He was about to suggest a date for computer
    shopping when Fee's cell phone rang, playing the
    Darth Vader theme music. Fee checked it and
    frowned. "I need to take this."
    "Oh, go ahead. I'll just take care of this stuff."
    Ash started clearing the table.
    "It was nice talking to you," Fee said, putting his
    hand out.
    Ash shook it. "You, too," he said. "And thanks
    for the suggestion."
    Fee jumped when his phone rang again.
    "Go take that, and have a great weekend."
    Fee nodded and smiled. "I'll talk to you later,"
    he said as he walked away.
    Ash stared after him and realized it was nice
    talking to Fee. He'd been hot for Fee's body
    before, but he managed to forget about that for a
    few minutes while they talked. Imagine that, Ash
    thought. Fee may have a personality after all.
    Chapter Four
    Torrent sites, or P2P (Peer-to-Peer Networking) sites, are
    file-sharing mechanisms. There are some legitimate sites
    using torrents to distribute legally obtained programs, but
    these sites are the choice of software pirates. If your geek
    is heavily involved in Peer-to-Peer Networking, you will
    need to decide how much of him you want to share. If he's
    illegally sharing software, you may wind up sharing a
    court case with him, or you may have to share him with
    the rest of Cellblock C. Your own peer network may also
    condemn him as unworthy of you.
    Someone was jackhammering on his skull. At
    least that was what it felt like to Ash when he
    rolled out of bed on Wednesday morning. His
    temples throbbed, and the tiniest noises seemed
    amplified by a hundred times. He staggered to his
    feet, cringing away from the sunlight streaming in
    through the blinds he'd forgotten to close the night
    God, he hadn't been this hungover in a long
    time. The only reason he'd been able to rouse
    himself before noon was that he had an early shift
    at The Ink Tank, and he couldn't be late or Tank
    would can his ass. Tank wouldn't be very happy
    about his showing up still suffering from the
    aftereffects of his night either, but Ash hoped a
    shower and a couple of ibuprofen would make him
    feel—and look—a bit more human and less like
    one of the walking dead.
    Damn. Why, oh, why did he continue to do these
    things to himself? He'd sat at Deli's with Tyson,
    irritable as all hell and unable to keep himself
    from dwelling on the fact that three days had
    passed without any contact from Fee. Ash had
    thought that after their little moment at Fee's party
    he'd finally

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