The Pastor's Wife
take a true interest in getting to know him a little better until a year ago, when she’d jokingly told her grandmother that Terrance was the type of man she needed in her life. Her grandmother had laughed hysterically and told her she had a better chance of “marrying Denzel Washington.”
    For a while, though, Savannah had thought maybe her grandmother was right, because despite her blatant flirting, Terrance wouldn’t give her the time of day until a month ago. She’d almost fallen over backward when he’d asked her out to dinner.
    “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Tyra asked. “I mean, you seem like you’re really feeling him. What if he’s just, I hate to say this, but what if he’s using you as something to do.”
    Savannah blew a frustrated breath. “I know what I’m doing, okay? I know you and everybody else may find this hard to believe, but Terrance enjoys being with me. I’m just ready to take things to the next level.”
    Savannah continued to stare at her reflection as she thought about Terrance. He made her feel like somebody. He didn’t judge her, and he liked her for who she was. She felt validated around him and had begun having dreams of building a life with him.
    “So, you just gonna let his aunts play you like that then?” Tyra asked, snapping Savannah back from her thoughts.
    “Please.” Savannah pulled open a drawer to search for some lounging clothes. “You know me better than that. Those women got me twisted if they think their nasty attitudes gon’ run me off. And the homely chick? No competition.”
    “They just don’t know. What you want, you always get.” Tyra laughed.
    “You doggone straight. And I want Terrance Ellis.” Savannah slipped on a pair of shorts and a tank top.
    “I still don’t understand that.” Tyra shook her head as she turned over on her back. “Why in the world you’d want to be a preacher’s wife is beyond me.”
    “It’s not that I just want to be a preacher’s wife. I want everything that comes with being Terrance’s wife, money, power, respect. Especially respect. Besides, Terrance is a good catch. He’s a wonderful man, sweet, fun, and you know how good-looking he is.”
    “That he is.” Tyra did good to make it to church on Christmas and Easter, but when she did go, she spent her entire time there gazing at Terrance. “He looks like Will Smith, only sexier. But still, the fact remains, he’s a preacher.”
    “So? Preachers are men, too. I like Terrance because he’s still down. He lets me be me. I mean, couldn’t you see me as the first lady?”
    “Girl, talk about turning that church upside down.” Tyra hesitated. “But this seems like you’re trying to be with Terrance because you have something to prove.”
    Savannah rolled her eyes at her friend. Tyra was only partially right. The most important thing now was that she was really starting to care for Terrance. But she could tell if the hens had their way, she and Terrance would never have a real relationship.
    “I just think you’re playing with fire,” Tyra said, her voice laced with concern. “You’re going to end up hurt. Besides, I heard rumors that he was gay.”
    “Whatever,” Savannah tossed out. “Terrance is not gay.”
    “Yeah, dang near thirty, never married, no documented girlfriends, no baby mamas. Sounds straight to me,” Tyra quipped.
    “Whatever, Tyra. Just don’t hate me when you get the wedding announcement that says introducing Reverend and Mrs. Ellis.”
    Tyra laughed as she pulled herself up off the bed. “You’re delusional. I know his aunts. And they’d just as soon set the church on fire before they let you walk down the aisle with that boy.”
    “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Tyra.” Savannah smiled sarcastically.
    “I’m your girl and just keeping it real.”
    Savannah threw a pillow at the back of Tyra’s head as Tyra made her way out of the room. Savannah plopped down on the bed herself. Tyra was right.

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