The Path of a Christian Witch
unlearned. He did not come only to the wise and the powerful. That is because God’s teachings are simple. They can be grasped by all of us, without intercession. Jesus taught us about God in the most fundamental way, in a way unclogged by philosophy. Like little children, he told us stories so that we might learn by example, so that we would not forget his most important teachings. He reminds us that it is in simplicity that we meet God, in a state of complete humility. Had it been otherwise, wouldn’t Jesus himself have come to us in full glory, completely revealed in his godly state? Wouldn’t his precursor and kin, John, have trampled the Temple with his followers and demanded submission from the High Priest himself ? The teachings of Jesus are simple indeed. Following his instructions is what makes us Christians, disciples of Christ.
    Jesus taught us humility and love above all. Humility is what allows us to put others’ needs before our own. When we serve others in this manner, we allow compassion to spread like a wildfire throughout the earth.
    Jesus taught us to be free and unattached so that we may follow the Spirit wherever it leads us.
    He taught us to love without discrimination.
    He taught us to fight for what is right and to live with passion.
    He taught us to keep our eyes open and to keep an open mind. In the simplicity of our hearts lies the truth. In this sacred space, our Lord whispers to us. These private conversations overrule all laws and dictates thrown at us by the authorities. He taught us through his own life. He followed his truth at the expense of the Laws of the Elders, causing him to have many enemies among the Jewish authorities. He passed on this truth to his church, to us who believe in him and follow his truth. We are his church. The only “laws” we are bound to are the laws of love that we have been taught. He taught us to respect life and that the value of this life was irrespective of rank, gender, religion, ethnicity, or religious decree. The teachings are simple. This is all we need to live by.
    So, who will lead us? The only source we can trust is Jesus himself. At the very beginning, the church lived on the revelation of its disciples. It had no texts of law or dogma. It grew from revelation. We have to look to the past to reclaim what it used to mean to be Christian. We had just received the wisdom of our Lord; we still remembered the sound of his voice and his teachings were still fresh in our minds. Back then, we used to gather in a simple place in remembrance of the greatness that had transformed our lives.
    How do we get back to that essence? Who can we trust to tell us the way it used to be, the way Jesus wanted it all to become? Because, in the end, that is all that matters. In our own inner sanctum, stripped of our own worldly pursuits, with our hearts wide open, we can still recognize the voice of our Lord. We still remember.
    A New Creed
    What is it that I believe, deep in my core? What parts of Christianity are non-negotiable for me? What is my “apostles’ creed”?
    I believe in the Almighty, who created all there is.
    I believe that he sent Jesus to teach us about him and so he may learn about us.
    In order to do this, Jesus was born of a woman, a mission she chose freely and with full knowledge.
    Jesus, God as man, embraced humanity completely.
    Jesus taught us to love above all and to live with an open heart.
    He died on a cross and was resurrected from the dead, symbol of hope and that life stands above all, even death.
    His reign will come again so that we may be reunited with our Source.
    He sent his Holy Spirit to walk with us and guide us always.
    In the Christ light, we are all brothers and sisters. We gather around the teachings of the saints, those who knew him and understood his teachings, so that they may be kept alive in faith. And in this light, death shall not prevail.
    [ 1 ]. Catholic Church, Catechism of the Catholic Church (Vatican City: Libreria

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