The Phantom

The Phantom by Jocelyn Leveret

Book: The Phantom by Jocelyn Leveret Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jocelyn Leveret
Tags: Phantom Lover
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and pulled.
    The Phantom’s strokes are slow, only enough to teach me to learn to love this new pleasure...
    My body clung to each bead so that they actually had to pop out.
    He pulls out an inch then puts it back. He pulls out two inches then pushes it back inside me.
    When only two were left in me, I pushed the entire string in again.
    Before I know it, he’s fucking my ass. Not just by inches, but with his entire length...
    In and out, in and out, until... “Ah!”
    “Ah! Oh, God!”
    Oh, I have no idea which orgasm came first, the one in my fantasy or the one right there in the tub. I don’t even know if they were separate. All I knew was that if the woman in the sex shop was right, and this was what it would feel like to be fucked up my butt, I was going to love it if it ever happened for real!

Chapter Thirteen
    The next day, I got the second greatest gift I could have ever hoped for. Only a visit from The Phantom himself would have been better. As soon as I opened our mailbox, I saw the little brown box. At first, I thought that maybe Geoff had actually remembered my birthday for the first time in six years. Then, I recognized the name of the sender.
    The Victorian diary with the possible Phantom encounter was here!
    I ripped open the package like a little girl at Christmas. “Please let her have bookmarked the page, please let her have bookmarked the page,” I quietly prayed.
    The seller did.
    March 29, 1857
    I agree that this marriage is not anything that anyone would have dreamed of. I always wanted to marry for love, but my new husband’s family was in debt. The money of my dowry would aid them out of it and the land would allow them the room they needed to breed more horses.
    He has hardly spoken to me since the wedding. Edward exercised his marital rights, but has not visited my bedchamber since. I am sure he is already returning to his mistress in London.
    Before my wedding, Mother told me that as a wife, my only real duty was to produce heirs and run the household, but if he does not come to me at night, how can I do the first? In truth, it’s a relief that he does not. My wedding night was not a pleasant experience, and the less I am needed to satisfy his needs the better.
    March 30, 1857
    I pray I am not going insane. I can only tell my story here because I fear if I told a living soul, they would have me committed. Not even my maid and companion who has been with me since girlhood will hear of the events of last night. Perhaps it would be best to keep the details to myself, but I cannot. I must write it down while it is all still fresh in my mind. If age ever dulls the memory, I have only to come back to these pages and live it all again.
    When he came, I was asleep, dreaming of the days when I would picnic with Mother and Father. I was awoken when the covers of my bed were thrown off me. At first, I was terrified. I feared my husband had come again for his marital rights and I was still sore from the way he had taken my maidenhead three nights ago.
    It only took a moment to know it wasn’t him, and that was even more terrifying. The hands that pushed up my dressing gown were gentle. Edward had seemed almost angry that he had to consummate our marriage. These hands were slow where my new husband seemed to just want to get the act finished.
    The first kiss below my knee startled me. The second on the actual joint made me tremble. The kisses followed the rise of my gown, even through the thin cotton of my drawers. I tried to look down and see who was being so sweet when he reached my hips, but without a single lamp lit in the room, it was just too dark.
    Something pulled apart the split of my drawers. I held my breath because the last time someone had done that, they caused me incredible pain. My first time had been anything but enjoyable and for a second, I shuddered to think that it was all about to happen again.
    It must have been a tongue that touched me down there. It was too warm and too

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