The Plague Forge [ARC]
    The rest of the plan came together so quickly that Samantha felt dizzy. It sounded too complicated to her, too many failure points. Exactly the type of thing she’d have called Skyler on had he proposed something similar for a scavenger job. And yet, given all the angles, and the distances involved, she saw no other solution.
    “One minute left,” Kip said.
    Prumble let out a long breath. “Let me recap so we’re all in agreement. Tania will be responsible for one of the missing keys, and Skyler the other. Skyler, once you’ve recovered yours you’ll fly here, landing just beyond the aura at the old raceway in Hidden Valley. If we’re ready, we’ll meet you there.”
    “Yeah,” Skyler said. “Minimal baggage, okay? It’s a small bird.”
    “And if we’re not there, you’ll hike in and help us.”
    “Or finish the job, if you made a bloody mess of it.” His words broke a tension Sam hadn’t realized had fallen upon them. She snorted a laugh and out of old habit glanced at Skadz.
    The other man, however, looked worried. “It’s complicated, lots of ifs. In my experience that’s rarely a good thing.”
    “Granted it is a complex task, and there’s still one more if.” Prumble paused long enough to let the words settle. “ If we yet live, we’ll all fly back to Belém with you and finish the job from there. Clock’s ticking, everyone. I suggest we get started immediately.”
    “Agreed,” Skyler said. Tania Sharma echoed the sentiment.
    “Time’s up,” Kip whispered. Without ceremony or goodbyes, the link dropped.

Chapter Four
    Belém, Brazil
    When the climber door swung open, Tania found herself staring at Ana, not Skyler as she’d hoped.
    The day was clear and bright. Drops of rain still dappled every flat surface, shining like diamonds in the rare naked sunlight. Insects danced about, so many that they simply became part of the landscape.
    “Welcome back,” the young woman said. She wore khaki pants and a maroon tank top. Her brown hair hid under a silk scarf tied over her head. Mud caked the bottom halves of her brown hiking boots. She had a pistol strapped to one hip, and a small machine gun slung over her shoulder.
    The outfit made Tania feel suddenly very unprepared for what lay ahead, despite all the training she’d been doing. Three times a week she brawled with old Beram in Melville Station’s common room. Karl had told the soft-spoken, unassuming man to go easy on her, or so Beram said. She had suffered dozens of bruises and sore muscles that said otherwise, but the end result was worth it. Her body had changed as much as her mentality. When she stepped out of the climber, Tania could feel the change in her own presence. The way she held herself, the way she walked tall and yet somehow coiled at the same time. She found herself appraising everyone she came in contact with, thinking how she’d block if they suddenly struck out at her, how she’d counter. The simple mental exercise made her look at everyone differently than before.
    She thought Skyler must make the same calculations, only at a subconscious level, and she understood how it was that he always seemed in command no matter who was present.
    “Hello, Ana,” Tania said, her feet clanging on the metal ramp as she walked down. “It’s good to see you.”
    The young immune smiled politely. “Skyler’s not here,” she said, reading Tania’s face. “We don’t expect him back until this evening.”
    Tania resisted the urge to ask where he’d gone, what he was doing. “Fine. We’ll visit Karl first. There are a lot of preparations to make.”
    Ana squinted at her, glancing down briefly at the simple jumpsuit Tania wore. “You’re going after Emerald wearing that?”
    “The towers that went northwest had that color to their light.”
    “Of course. Yes. I mean, no. I brought an environment suit, of sorts.”
    “Oh,” Ana said. “Of course, you’re not immune. Forgive

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