The Plague Lords of Ruel

The Plague Lords of Ruel by Joe Dever Page B

Book: The Plague Lords of Ruel by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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prickle with the sensation that you are in the presence of works of great evil. Silently you pass from one chamber to the next until you spy two druids seated at a table in an adjoining room. They are studying a large tome which is bound in a pale-coloured leather. A wave of nausea makes you swallow hard the instant you realize that the book is covered with human skin. The two druids, who appear to be little older than a dozen years apiece, are chattering to each other excitedly. You move closer to the room and eavesdrop on their conversation.
    Illustration IV —In the library you spy two druids seated at a table studying a large tome covered with human skin.
    After a few minutes you learn that their names are Noraa and Monad. They are novices who were brought into the sect by Cenerese agents after having been orphaned in their native land of Lourden. They seem devoted to studying the lore of their evil brotherhood, and as they read they ruminate at length about a great ‘day of retribution’ that the Cenerese will enjoy before the year ends.
    At length they finish their studies and rise from the table. As Monad restores the book to its shelf, Noraa says:
    ‘Hurry up. We'll be late for Kadrian's sermon.’
    Monad nods apologetically, and hurries to join his brother as he leaves the library by another door. As the latch clicks shut, you emerge from your listening place and enter the room.
    If you wish to follow the two young druids, turn to 138 .
    If you choose to search this room, turn to 48 .

    The Cener's dying scream alerts the Vazhag pack and they come scampering back to investigate the sound. The moment they see you, standing over their leader like a hunter over his kill, their nerve appears to crumble. They lower their weapons and begin to edge away. Then the leading rat-men panic; they turn and run, and the others quickly follow suit, leaving you alone in the clearing with the body of the dead druid lying crumpled at your feet.
    Curiosity prompts you to prise away the druid's green mask and look upon the face of this servant of evil. It is an ugly, disease-riddled face, human in shape yet lacking any trace of humanity. Reluctantly you search him and discover the following items:
Cener Robe (If kept, this item will occupy 2 spaces in your Backpack)
Cener Mask
20 Lune (equivalent to 5 Gold Crowns)
    If you decide to keep any of the above, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.
    Your Magnakai skills tell you that the golden rod no longer possesses any magical aura; its destructive powers vanished the moment its wielder breathed his last. You stoop to prise it from the dead druid's hands, but as soon as your fingers touch its metallic surface it disintegrates into a fine, foul-smelling dust.
    With twilight but an hour away, you leave the clearing via the gap and hurry along the muddy track beyond.
    Turn to 10 .

    You raise the Sommerswerd and catch the magical fire upon the flat of its blade. There is a deafening crack and you feel an electrifying jolt run the length of your sword arm as the flame is deflected and sent roaring back towards its caster. He regards the rebounding fireball with a look of cool indifference and proceeds to sheathe himself in a glowing cocoon of pale blue light. The flames split apart as they collide with this protective shell, flowing harmlessly around his body to disappear into the antechamber beyond.

    ‘There is only one who wields such a blade,’ he spits, pointing at the Sommerswerd with his flame-tipped staff.
    ‘And I'll see that you perish upon it, Cadak!’ you shout in defiant reply.
    ‘Ha!’ he sneers. ‘I rejoice that fate has brought you here to me, Lone Wolf, for it is you who will perish. Turn around and meet your nemesis!’
    Turn to 125 .

    You wait at the corner, relying upon your keen senses for your cue to attack. When you judge the footfalls and the rasping breaths of the Vazhag to be within an oar's length of the corner, you leap out and

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